course information of 103 - 2 | 7216 E-Commerce Law & Cross-Border Litigation(電子商務法與跨國訴訟)

Taught In English7216 - 電子商務法與跨國訴訟 E-Commerce Law & Cross-Border Litigation

教育目標 Course Target

隨著網際網路的快速發展,電子商務成為新興的商業交易模式,相較於零售市場,電子商務成長之速度每年均呈兩位數的成長,其成長之規模及速度均相當的迅速及可觀︒此新興的交易模式,不僅對於傳統交易方式產生衝擊,在傳統法學的適用上更成為一大挑戰︒電子商務法遂因 應而生,且以在此虛擬的網際網路世界中,建立良好的交易環境及增加消費者的信心及保護更為電子商務的首要課題︒在電子商務法學新興之際,本課程希望透過比較法學的方法,以專題的方式,介紹國內︑外對於重大電子商務法議題之最新發展,同時基於電子商務之跨疆域性,其訴訟之救濟程序,往往涉及跨國訴訟型態,本課程期結合實體與程序,使同學對新興法學之理論與實務有相當的瞭解,並作為同學日後處理相關議題的實務基礎︒With the rapid development of the Internet, e-commerce has become an emerging business transaction model. Compared with the retail market, the growth rate of e-commerce has been double-digit growth every year. The scale and speed of its growth are quite rapid and considerable. ︒This emerging transaction model not only has an impact on traditional transaction methods, but also becomes a major challenge in the application of traditional law︒E-commerce law has therefore In this virtual Internet world, establishing a good trading environment and increasing consumer confidence and protection are more important issues in e-commerce. At the time when e-commerce law is emerging, this course hopes to compare Using the method of legal science, the author introduces major domestic and foreign issues on the topic in a thematic way. The latest development of e-commerce law issues, and based on the cross-border nature of e-commerce, its litigation relief procedures often involve transnational litigation types. This course combines entities and procedures to enable students to have a considerable understanding of the theory and practice of emerging legal sciences. Understand and use it as a practical basis for students to deal with related issues in the future︒

參考書目 Reference Books

Monographs on e-commerce and electronic transaction law and lectures to supplement domestic and foreign cases

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
term report
60 分組及個人報告
Discuss in class
30 上課參與討論情形
Attend class
10 出席課堂情況

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7[L205]
授課教師 Teacher:石佳立
修課班級 Class:法律碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:綜合
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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