course information of 103 - 2 | 2857 Creative Art(藝術創作)

Taught In English2857 - 藝術創作 Creative Art

教育目標 Course Target

培養對藝術作品觀察、描述、分析、解釋、判斷的能力。並據此了解藝術家創作作品的心態與背景,嘗試進行創作作品,進而將此創作經驗運用在設計領域,讓創意與思考可以更多元發展。Cultivate the ability to observe, describe, analyze, interpret and judge artistic works. And learn about the attitude and background of artists’ creative works, try to create works, and then use this creative experience in the design field, so that creativity and thinking can develop more diversely.

課程概述 Course Description

藝術創作是透過不同的表現媒體,將心中想像的圖象表達出來,這些表現的媒材可分區成平面創作、立體塑形、及數位媒材,不同的類別會有不同材料來呈現構想,在傳統的藝術創作大多著重在平面及立體素材的表現;然而,電腦技術在數位媒材的發展過程中,具有關鍵性的因素,不同時期的電腦技術,也相對衍生出不同型態的數位藝術創作多媒體。 在本課程的結構上,將分成三個部份:平面藝術創作、立體形體創作,及數位媒體藝術創作。透過不同類藝術類形的理論及案例,教授學生媒材的藝術創作,再由學生實際操作,感受到將內心構想轉化成不同媒材的過程。
Art creation is to express the imagined images in the mind through different expression media. These expressive media can be divided into graphic creation, three-dimensional shaping, and digital media. Different types will have different materials to present concepts. In traditional art creation, most of them focus on the expression of plane and three-dimensional materials. However, computer technology has key factors in the development of digital media. Computer technology at different times has also derived different types of digital art creation multimedia. In the structure of this course, it will be divided into three parts: graphic art creation, three-dimensional shape creation, and digital media art creation. Through the theories and cases of different types of art, students teach artistic creations of media, and then students can actually operate them to feel the process of transforming their inner ideas into different media.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. John Berger著 戴行鉞譯 《藝術觀賞之道》  台北:台灣商務 1993。
2. Henrt Focill著 吳玉成譯 《造型的生命》  台北:田園城市 2001。
3. Johannes Itten著 蔡毓芬譯 《造型分析》  台北:地景 2001。
4. 保羅.克拉克/朱利安.弗里曼著 《設計》  香港:三聯書店 2000。
5. 島子 《後現代主義藝術系譜(上、下) 》 重慶:重慶出版社 2001。
6. Hugh Honour﹐John Fleming著 吳介禎等翻譯 《世界藝術史》 台北:文馬文化 2001。 
7. 王秀雄 《美術心理學:創作.視覺與造型心理》 台北:台北市立美術館 1991。
8. The Guerrilla Girls著 謝鴻均譯 《游擊女孩床頭版西洋藝術史》
台北:遠流出版 2000。
9. Lucy R. Lipppard 編 張正仁譯 《普普藝術》 台北:遠流出版 1991。

1. Written by John Berger by Dai Xinghuan "The Way of Art" Taipei: Taiwan Business 1993.
2. Translated by Henrt Focill by Wu Yucheng "The Life of Modeling" Taipei: Garden City 2001.
3. Translated by Cai Yufen by Johannes Itten, "Styling Analysis" Taipei: Landscape 2001.
4. "Design" by Paul Clark/Julian Freeman Hong Kong: Tripartite Bookstore 2000.
5. Island "Postmodern Theory Arts System (Part 1, Part 2)" Chongqing: Chongqing Publishing House 2001.
6. Hugh Honour, John Fleming, translated by Wu Jieming and others. "History of World Art" Taipei: Wenma Culture 2001.
7. Wang Xiuxiong "Art Psychology: Creation. Vision and Modeling Psychology" Taipei: Taipei Municipal Art Museum 1991.
8. by The Guerrilla Girls, translated by Xie Dingjun "The History of Western Art on the Bed of Girls"
Taipei: Far Flow Publishing 2000.
9. Edited by Lucy R. Lippard by Zhang Zhengren, "Public Art" Taipei: Far-flow Publishing 1991.
10. Various art journals.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/9,10[H309]
授課教師 Teacher:王怡然
修課班級 Class:工設系2
選課備註 Memo:外系欲選修者(限5名),請至工設系登記.
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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