course information of 103 - 2 | 6863 Seminar: Issues of Contemporary Art(當代藝術創作專題(四):空間/跨域媒介)

Taught In English6863 - 當代藝術創作專題(四):空間/跨域媒介 Seminar: Issues of Contemporary Art

教育目標 Course Target

1.以學生個人創作之探討和評鑑為課程取向,增強學生創作概念和空間/跨域媒介創作手法之間的關聯,以及策評學生觀察、論述和議題掌握能力。 2.藉助業界創作者、策展人的專業觀察獲講座,提升學生創作計畫執行和思辯能力,以及策評學生了解創作生態和擴大視野。 3.藉助當代藝術文獻的研究討論、展覽參觀,使學生了解和參與時代議題,以及策評學生創造議題能力。1. Take the discussion and evaluation of students' personal creations as the course orientation, enhance the connection between students' creative concepts and spatial/cross-domain media creation techniques, and evaluate students' ability to observe, discuss and master topics. 2. Use professional observations and lectures from industry creators and curators to improve students' creative plan execution and thinking skills, and to evaluate students' understanding of the creative ecology and expand their horizons. 3. With the help of research and discussion of contemporary art documents and exhibition visits, students can understand and participate in the issues of the times, and evaluate students' ability to create issues.

課程概述 Course Description

This course is an interdisciplinary creative course at the Institute, emphasizing the concept of artistic creation that is not separated by media/media materials. Through reading and writing, students will be supplemented with the knowledge and creative narrative expression required for contemporary art creation; through picture review, students’ creative intentions, media techniques, and information communication experiences will be integrated. This course can prepare students for career development in artistic creation.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.Editors of Phaidon Press,《Vitamin 3-D: New Perspectives in Sculpture and Installation》,2009,Phaidon Press Limited。
2.10 curators ed.,《Ice Cream: Contemporary Art in Culture》,2007,Phaidon Press Limited。
3.Practices of Looking,《觀看的實踐》,臉譜出版。
1.Editors of Phaidon Press, "Vitamin 3-D: New Perspectives in Sculpture and Installation", 2009, Phaidon Press Limited.
2.10 curators ed., "Ice Cream: Contemporary Art in Culture", 2007, Phaidon Press Limited.
3.Practices of Looking, published by Facebook.
4. "Liberating the Avant-Garde—Huang Mingchuan's Image Collection of the 1990s", 2002, released by the Kyoto Television Culture Foundation.
5. Special publication of winning works of previous Taipei Arts Awards.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
作業的品質、進度、及完成度 (不接受遲交)作業的品質、進度、及完成度 (不接受遲交)
The quality, progress, and completion of the assignment (late submissions will not be accepted)
Level of participation in class analysis and discussions
Conscientiousness and positive motivation

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/8,9
授課教師 Teacher:林 平
修課班級 Class:美術碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部隨班附讀。
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 9 人。

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