course information of 103 - 1 | 4383 (大一體育:排球)

Taught In English4383 - 大一體育:排球

教育目標 Course Target

本課程為排球初級課程,透過一系列基本技術的練習,培養排球運動的能力,因此著重在個人排球基本動作的學習,同時了解排球運動知識,本課程之教學目標如下: 1.增進排球之技術水準及比賽能力。 2.建立正確之運動觀念。 3.養成運動之習慣。 4.維持良好之體適能。 5.了解排球運動之規則與戰術。 本課程之授課內容著重基本動作之正確性及聯結性,先練習單一之基本動作,再聯結二個或三個以上的動作,達到綜合運用的能力。授課內容如下: 1.準備活動與運動傷害之預防。 2.托球之基本動作。 3.低手傳球之基本動作。 4.扣球之基本動作。 5.發球之基本動作。 6.各項基本動作之綜合應用。 7.各項戰術之演練。 8.比賽之程序及實際演練。This course is a beginner's course in volleyball. It develops volleyball skills through a series of basic technical exercises. Therefore, it focuses on learning basic individual volleyball movements and understanding volleyball knowledge. The teaching objectives of this course are as follows: 1. Improve volleyball technical level and competition ability. 2. Establish a correct concept of exercise. 3. Develop the habit of exercise. 4. Maintain good physical fitness. 5. Understand the rules and tactics of volleyball. The teaching content of this course focuses on the correctness and connection of basic movements. First practice a single basic movement, and then connect two or more movements to achieve comprehensive application capabilities. The teaching content is as follows: 1. Preparatory activities and prevention of sports injuries. 2. Basic movements of holding the ball. 3. Basic movements of underhand passing. 4. Basic movements of smashing the ball. 5. Basic movements of serving. 6. Comprehensive application of various basic movements. 7. Practice various tactics. 8. Competition procedures and actual drills.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程教學目的,教授學生正確排球運動的認知,學習排球運動學理的基礎及方法,學習由排球基本的技巧延伸至全部技能聯串與整合,最終目標能下場參與競賽,建構屬於自己所擁有的技能。 學習課程過程中能輔以規則講授,學會相關的競賽規則,並且能下場擔任裁判工作。教學中能培養學生團隊的觀念,灌輸正確運動技巧避免運動傷害的產生,以及當運動傷害發生時候,如何處理與因應。 教學課程能依據學生的程度,設計適合的課程內容,符合個別差異。瞭解健康的體適能,對人類生活的影響與其重要性,良好體適能對其日常生活的好處,如何強化其心理適應,建立正確終身休閒生活習慣。
The teaching purpose of this course is to teach students a correct understanding of volleyball, learn the basics and methods of volleyball theory, and extend the learning from basic volleyball skills to the connection and integration of all skills. The ultimate goal is to be able to participate in competitions and build their own Skill. During the learning course, students can be supplemented by rules teaching, learn relevant competition rules, and be able to serve as referees. Teaching can cultivate students' team concept, instill correct sports skills to avoid sports injuries, and how to deal with and respond when sports injuries occur. The teaching courses can design suitable course content according to the students' level and meet individual differences. Understand the impact and importance of healthy physical fitness on human life, the benefits of good physical fitness in daily life, how to strengthen their psychological adaptation, and establish correct lifelong leisure habits.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.排球規則 中華民國排球協會。
2.運動技術指導法 樊正治。
3.排球技球訓練法及理論與實際 胡忠民。
4.排球 張木山 
1. Volleyball Rules Volleyball Association of the Republic of China.
2. Sports technical guidance method Fan Zhengzhi.
3. Volleyball skills training methods, theory and practice Hu Zhongmin.
4. Volleyball Zhang Mushan

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
1.Surgery 60﹪
60 體適能檢測、高低手傳球之準確性、發球、對牆托球、對牆低手傳球、比賽成績(採計二項)。
2. Written test or report
Diligent attendance and learning spirit

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/1,2[B球場]
授課教師 Teacher:李晨鐘
修課班級 Class:文學院, 景觀1
選課備註 Memo:文學院、景觀1
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 60 人。

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