course information of 103 - 1 | 1993 Introduction to Law(法學緒論)

Taught In English1993 - 法學緒論 Introduction to Law

教育目標 Course Target

學習法學緒論這一門科目,主要是在對於「法律」這個專業域領能有初步的瞭解與認識。法律,是社會上存在的各式各樣「規範」當中的其中一種。至於法律的定義,一般認為應該是「為了保障大眾生活之安寧,為了維持社會生活秩序,因而透過國家的公權力所加以制定並強制實行的一種社會生活規範。」因此,法律存在之目的,有它的正義與理想性。「法律」這個學科,分類頗廣,從日常生活中常常聽到的「六法」 -憲法、行政法、民法、刑法、民事訴訟法和刑事訴訟法,以及到目前大學法律系開課課程中,諸如基礎法學、法史學、科技法學等等許許多多各形各色的法律科 目,可知,法律學可說是浩瀚廣大。因此,對於初入門的法律學習者而言,法學緒論無疑能提供一個一窺法律全貌的簡便捷徑。Studying the subject "Introduction to Law" is mainly to gain a preliminary understanding of the professional field of "law". Law is one of the various "norms" that exist in society. As for the definition of law, it is generally believed that it should be "a social life norm that is formulated and enforced through the public power of the state in order to protect the tranquility of public life and maintain the order of social life." Therefore, the purpose of the existence of law is Its justice and ideality. "Law" is a subject with a wide range of categories, ranging from the "six laws" often heard in daily life - constitution, administrative law, civil law, criminal law, civil procedure law and criminal procedure law, as well as the current courses offered by university law departments, such as basic There are many different legal subjects including law, legal history, science and technology law, etc. It can be seen that legal science is vast and vast. Therefore, for beginners of law, Introduction to Law can undoubtedly provide a simple and easy way to get a glimpse of the whole picture of law.

課程概述 Course Description

Politics is about managing people. As a politician, you must care about and understand the legal regulations that are closely related to people's lives. In addition to introducing the basic theories of law, this course also cites practical case explanations, such as Supreme Court precedents, Judicial Yuan interpretations, Supreme Court decisions, etc. Enable students to have a concrete and profound understanding between theory and practice.

參考書目 Reference Books

Chen Huixin, Introduction to Law (10th revised edition), published by Sanmin Book Company.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
usual results

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/7,8,9[SS208]
授課教師 Teacher:林宇光
修課班級 Class:政理組1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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