本課程的教學目標是讓同學們擁有多元化的專業知識,對外匯市場、國際收支與國際貨幣制度、國際收支調整理論和均衡匯率決定理論等主要國際金融的內容有基本的認知,具備分析工商時報、經濟日報和專業商業期刊的國際金融訊息的基本能力,深化同學們的國際觀。The teaching objective of this course is to allow students to have diversified professional knowledge, and have basic understanding of the content of major international finance, including foreign exchange market, international income and expenditure and international currency system, international income and expenditure adjustment and balanced exchange rate determination theorem, and have basic understanding of the content of major international finance, including foreign exchange market, international income and expenditure adjustment and balanced exchange rate determination theorem. Analyze the basic capabilities of international financial information in business reports, economic reports and professional business journals, and deepen the international view of classmates.
The purpose of this course is to provide advanced analysis and model extension of overall economic theory for the open economic system, especially in the analysis and connotation of overall economic policies. And the theory of the adjustment of the foreign exchange market and international revenue and expenditure on the overall world economic system, the interdependent international financial system, are the themes. The main contents include: introduction of international income and expenditure accounts, the development of various exchange rate systems and the comparison of advantages and disadvantages, the current situation and changes of international financial system, the establishment, operation and structure of open overall economic model, analysis of overall economic policy effects, and the transmission of international economic landscape and interactive exploration, theories of dynamic adjustment process of international revenue and expenditure and exchange rate.
1.蕭欽篤 國際金融 第七板 2014年 智勝文化事業有限公司
1.Shooting International Finance Seventh Board 2014 Zhisheng Culture Industry Co., Ltd.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
30 | 含班級出席率、平時考、學習態度 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
30 | 題型包括填充題和問答計算題 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
40 | 題型包括填充題和問答計算題 |