course information of 102 - 02 | 3904 The Development of Chinese Culture(中華文化的發展)

Taught In English3904 - 中華文化的發展 The Development of Chinese Culture

教育目標 Course Target

台灣近四百年的歷史經歷過多次的政權交替,再加上身處在目前快速變遷的世界秩序中,很多在台灣的人可能面臨認同混淆的問題,再加上對岸的中國和平崛起,這個問題似乎又更加的棘手。認同混淆這個難題的解決,並非短時間內可為,可能還要一、兩代人的磨合,才可能達到共識。 政治認同的混淆既是因為歷史發展造成,那麼解玲還須繫玲人,我們還是回到歷史發展中來了解,不只需要了解台灣史,我們同樣要了解中國歷史,特別是文化史的發展,因為許多生活模式以及價值觀的形成,都與文化建構有關。因此本課程花了極大篇幅說明古代中國至現代的文化發展,同時也涉及1949年之後的共產中國之建立,以及海峽兩岸分立的過程,目的就是希望讓身在台灣的學生了解,台灣目前的現狀是如何形成,我們繼承了那些文化優勢,同時具有那些缺失,展望過去並深切的反省,才能建構屬於下一代的未來。Taiwan has experienced many regime changes in its nearly four-hundred-year history. In addition, in the current rapidly changing world order, many people in Taiwan may face the problem of identity confusion. Coupled with the peaceful rise of China on the other side of the Taiwan Strait, this problem It seems even more difficult. The problem of identity confusion cannot be solved in a short time. It may take one or two generations to reach a consensus. Since the confusion of political identity is caused by historical development, understanding Ling must also be related to Ling. We should go back to historical development to understand. Not only do we need to understand the history of Taiwan, we also need to understand the history of China, especially the development of cultural history, because The formation of many life patterns and values ​​is related to cultural construction. Therefore, this course spends a lot of time explaining the cultural development from ancient China to modern times. It also involves the establishment of Communist China after 1949 and the process of the separation of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. The purpose is to let students in Taiwan understand the current status of Taiwan. How it was formed, what cultural advantages we have inherited, and what shortcomings we have. Only by looking forward to the past and introspecting deeply can we build a future for the next generation.

參考書目 Reference Books

余英時 《中國知識階層史論(古代篇)》,(台北:聯經,1980)
余英時 《中國歷史轉型期的知識份子》,(台北:聯經,1992)
Du Zhengsheng edited "Chinese Cultural History" (Taipei: Sanmin, 2001).
Zheng Qinren et al. "New Theory of Chinese Culture (System)", (Taipei: Lianjing, 1982)
Huang Junjie et al. "New Theory of Chinese Culture (Ideology)" (1, 2), (Taipei: Lianjing, 1982)
Du Zhengsheng, "City-States of the Zhou Dynasty", (Taipei: Lianjing, 1981)
Unit "Historical Consciousness and History Education", "Contemporary" 120, 1996.
Wang Jianwen, "Fengtian Chengyun - An Introduction to the State in Ancient China and Its Legitimacy Basis", (Taipei: Dongda University, 1995)
Yu Yingshi, "History of China's Intellectual Class (Ancient Chapter)", (Taipei: Lianjing, 1980)
Yu Yingshi, "Intellectuals in the Transformation Period of Chinese History", (Taipei: Lianjing, 1992)
Wang Zengcai, "Modern History of the West", (Taipei: Zhengzhong, 1977)
Xiong Yuezhi, "The Spread of Western Learning to the East and Late Qing Society" (Shanghai: Shanghai People, 1995).
Yu Yingshi, "The Modern Significance of Chinese Culture from the Value System", (Taipei: The Times, 1985)
Hu Changzhi, "Historical Knowledge and Social Change", (Taipei: Lianjing, 1988)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exams, final exams, homework
100 期中考30%、期末考40%、作業30%

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/1,2[H206]
授課教師 Teacher:陳麗惠
修課班級 Class:理學院1
選課備註 Memo:預選與第一階段限理學院一年級學生
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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