course information of 102 - 02 | 3903 The Development of Chinese Culture(中華文化的發展)

Taught In English3903 - 中華文化的發展 The Development of Chinese Culture

教育目標 Course Target

大學歷史領域的課程,是絕大多數同學在正規學校教育中的最後一門歷史相關課程,所以如何統整小學、中學以來所接受的歷史知識,以中華文化的發展為例,對歷史學門進行全盤性、系統性的解析,進一步了解歷史知識的性質與貢獻,這是本課程冀望達成的教學目標。Courses in the field of university history are the last history-related courses for most students in formal school education. Therefore, how to integrate the historical knowledge received since elementary school and middle school? Taking the development of Chinese culture as an example, we need to carry out the study of history. A comprehensive and systematic analysis to further understand the nature and contribution of historical knowledge is the teaching goal that this course hopes to achieve.

參考書目 Reference Books

○(美)伊佩霞(Patricia Buckley Ebrey)著,趙世瑜等譯,《劍橋插圖中國史(The Cambridge Illustrated History of China)》,臺北:果實出版。
●(美)里齊(D. A. Ritchie)著,王芝芝譯,《大家來做口述歷史(Doing Oral History)》,臺北,遠流出版事業公司。
●(英)湯普遜(Paul Thompson)著,覃方明等譯,《過去的聲音:口述歷史(The Voice of the Past, Oral History)》,香港,牛津大學出版社。
●(英)霍爾斯(Ken Howarth)著,陳瑛譯,《口述歷史(Oral History)》,臺北:播種者文化公司。
●(澳)羅伯森(Beth M. Robertson)著,黃煜文譯,《如何做好口述歷史(Oral History Handbook)》,臺北:五觀藝術管理公司。
This course does not specify a textbook, but the following books and papers are recommended:
○ (Japan) Michichi Ito et al., translated by Wu Micha et al., "General History of China", Banqiao: Daoxiang Publishing House.
○ (U.S.) Written by Patricia Buckley Ebrey, translated by Zhao Shiyu and others, "The Cambridge Illustrated History of China", Taipei: Fruit Publishing.
○Gan Huaizhen, "General History of China", Taipei: Sanmin Book Company.
○Editor-in-chief Du Zhengsheng, "Chinese Cultural History", Taipei: Sanmin Book Company.
○Xu Zhuoyun, "Eternal Rivers - The Transition and Development of Chinese History and Culture", Taipei: English Hansheng Publishing Company.
○Fan Shuzhi, "Outline of National History (Illustrated Revised Edition)", Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Company.
●(American) D. A. Ritchie, translated by Wang Zhizhi, "Doing Oral History", Taipei, Yuanliu Publishing Company.
●Yang Xiangyin, "Oral History", Taipei, Yangzhi Cultural Corporation.
●(English) Written by Paul Thompson, translated by Qin Fangming and others, "The Voice of the Past, Oral History", Hong Kong, Oxford University Press.
●(English) Ken Howarth, translated by Chen Ying, "Oral History", Taipei: Sower Culture Company.
●(Australia) Beth M. Robertson, translated by Huang Yuwen, "How to Make a Good Oral History (Oral History Handbook)", Taipei: Wuguan Art Management Company.
●Cheng Daxue, "The Theory and Practice of Oral History—Introducing an Interview with Mr. Tang Chuanzong", "Taiwan Literature" 38-8, 1987-9.
●Bian Fengkui, "The Importance and Methods of Oral History—Also Explaining the Oral History Work Direction of the Taipei City Documentation Committee", "Taipei Documentation" Zhizi 118, 1996-12.
●Liao Wu, "Oral Narration·Historical Materials and Historical Writings", "Contemporary" 125, 1998-1.
●Chen Sanjing, "The Theory and Historical Material Value of Oral History", "Contemporary" 125, 1998-1.
●Xu Xueji, "The Theory and Practice of Oral History", "Yilan Literature Magazine" 30, 1997-11.
●Zhang Wenyi, "Preparation and Conduct of Oral History", "Yilan Literature Magazine" 30, 1997-11.
●Gao Shuyuan, "The Art of Collating Oral Documents", "Yilan Literature Magazine" 30, 1997-11.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
usual results
20 依出席、參與課堂討論和史料解讀之情況而評定。
interim report
50 依教師之規定,於課堂進行口頭報告,或是撰寫書面報告,並於規定之期限內繳交,相關規定會利用講義與課堂時間進行說明。
final exam
30 於學期末之期末考週,由學校統一安排考試與地點,進行期末考試。每位同學都必須參加,否則無法獲得期末考試之成績。期末考試的題目形式,以及考試內容,將於期末考前,由教師於上課期間宣佈。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/1,2[H205]
授課教師 Teacher:張文昌
修課班級 Class:理學院1
選課備註 Memo:預選與第一階段限理學院一年級學生
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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