course information of 102 - 02 | 3895 A General History of Taiwan(台灣史概論)

Taught In English3895 - 台灣史概論 A General History of Taiwan

教育目標 Course Target

本課程之教學目標在於促使學生對臺灣史有更為深刻的印象與認知。依臺灣歷史進程的時間序列,講述史前、荷蘭、明鄭、清代、日治等時期的臺灣社會發展歷程。此外也將透過影片、圖像等多媒體的運用,從而提高學生的學習動機。協助學生理解臺灣歷史文化的發展及其特質。具體而言,本課程預計達成的教學目標如下: 1. 經由對臺灣歷史的理解,增進修課同學的人文氣質和文化涵養。 2. 培養熱愛臺灣,關懷本土的情操。 3. 透過課堂討論,訓練發表與表達能力。 4. 經由歷史議題的思索,培養獨立思考的能力。The teaching goal of this course is to enable students to have a deeper impression and understanding of Taiwan's history. According to the time sequence of Taiwan's historical process, it tells the development process of Taiwan's society in prehistory, Dutch, Ming and Zheng dynasties, Qing Dynasty, Japanese colonial period and other periods. In addition, students' learning motivation will be improved through the use of multimedia such as videos and images. Help students understand the development and characteristics of Taiwan's history and culture. Specifically, the teaching objectives expected to be achieved by this course are as follows: 1. Enhance the humanistic temperament and cultural accomplishment of course students through their understanding of Taiwan’s history. 2. Cultivate a love for Taiwan and care for the local people. 3. Train presentation and expression skills through classroom discussions. 4. Cultivate the ability to think independently through thinking about historical issues.

參考書目 Reference Books


1. 周婉窈,《臺灣歷史圖說(史前至1945)》,臺北:聯經,1998。
2. 王嵩山,《臺灣原住民的社會與文化》,臺北:聯經,2001。

1. Christine Vertente、許雪姬、吳密察著,《先民的足跡——古地圖話臺灣滄桑史》,臺北:南天,1991。
2. 江仁傑,《解構鄭成功─英雄神話與形象的歷史》,臺北:三民,2006。

1. 許雪姬,《北京的辮子》,臺北:自立晚報社文化出版部,1993。
2. 黃富三,〈劉銘傳與臺灣近代化〉,收入曹永和、黃富三編,《臺灣史論叢》第一輯,臺北:眾文,1980。
3. 戴寶村《帝國的入侵-牡丹社事件》,臺北:自立晚報社文化出版部,1993。

1. 呂紹理,《水螺響起—日治時期臺灣社會的生活作息》,臺北:遠流,1998年。
2. 張隆志,〈劉銘傳、後藤新平與臺灣近代化論爭〉,收入中華民國史專題討論會秘書處編輯,《中華民國史專題論文集:第四屆討論會》第二冊,臺北:國史館,1998,頁 2029-2060。

1. 陳柔縉,《臺灣西方文明初體驗》,臺北:麥田出版,2005。
2. 葉榮鐘等,《臺灣民族運動史》,臺北:自立晚報,1979。

1. 賴澤涵、馬若孟、魏萼合著,《悲劇性的開端:臺灣二二八事變》,臺北:時報文化,1993。
2. 李筱峰,《解讀二二八》,臺北:玉山社,1998。

1. 鄭梓,《戰後臺灣的接收與重建》,臺北:新化圖書公司,1994。
2. 陳紹馨,《臺灣的人口變遷與社會變遷》,臺北:聯經出版公司,1979。
1. Zhou Wanyao, "Illustrated History of Taiwan (Prehistory to 1945)", Taipei: Lianjing, 1998.
2. Compiled by Hong Liwan, Zhang Yongzhen, Li Liyong, and Wang Zhaowen, "Taiwan History", Taipei: Wunan, 2005.
3. Compiled by Xue Huayuan, "History of Taiwan Development" (revised fourth edition), Taipei: Sanmin, 2008.
4. Taiwan Historical Dictionary, http://nrch.cca.gov.tw/ccahome/website/site20/toc.html
5. National Cultural Database, http://nrch.cca.gov.tw/ccahome/

Prehistoric Culture
1. Zhou Wanyao, "Illustrated History of Taiwan (Prehistory to 1945)", Taipei: Lianjing, 1998.
2. Wang Songshan, "Society and Culture of Taiwan's Aboriginal People", Taipei: Lianjing, 2001.

The Netherlands and the Ming and Zheng Dynasties
1. Christine Vertente, Xu Xueji, and Wu Micha, "Footprints of the Ancestors - Ancient Maps Telling the Vicissitudes of Taiwan", Taipei: Nantian, 1991.
2. Jiang Renjie, "Deconstructing Zheng Chenggong - The History of Heroic Myths and Images", Taipei: Sanmin, 2006.

Qing Dynasty’s Rule over Taiwan
1. Xu Xueji, "Braids in Beijing", Taipei: Zili Evening News Cultural Publishing Department, 1993.
2. Huang Fusan, "Liu Mingchuan and Taiwan's Modernization", edited by Cao Yonghe and Huang Fusan, "Taiwan Historical Discussion Series" Volume 1, Taipei: Zhongwen, 1980.
3. Dai Baocun, "The Invasion of the Empire - The Peony Society Incident", Taipei: Zili Evening News Cultural Publishing Department, 1993.

Japan’s colonization and construction of Taiwan
1. Lu Shaoli, "The Sound of Water Snails—The Lifestyle of Taiwanese Society During the Japanese Occupation", Taipei: Yuanliu, 1998.
2. Zhang Longzhi, "Liu Mingchuan, Goto Shinpei and the Debate on Taiwan's Modernization", edited by the Secretariat of the Symposium on the History of the Republic of China, "Collected Papers on the History of the Republic of China: The Fourth Symposium" Volume 2, Taipei: National History Museum , 1998, pp. 2029-2060.

The awakening and culture of Taiwanese people
1. Chen Roujin, "Taiwan's First Experience of Western Civilization", Taipei: Wheatfield Publishing, 2005.
2. Ye Rongzhong et al., "History of Taiwan's National Movement", Taipei: Zili Evening News, 1979.

Friction and tragedy in Taiwanese society in the early post-war period
1. Lai Zehan, Ma Ruomeng, and Wei E, co-authors, "The Tragic Beginning: Taiwan's February 28th Incident", Taipei: Times Culture, 1993.
2. Li Xiaofeng, "Interpretation of 228", Taipei: Yushan Society, 1998.

Social and cultural changes in Taiwan after the war
1. Zheng Zi, "The Reception and Reconstruction of Postwar Taiwan", Taipei: Xinhua Book Company, 1994.
2. Chen Shaoxin, "Demographic Change and Social Change in Taiwan", Taipei: Lianjing Publishing Company, 1979.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
term report
Attendance results
20 依學校規定曠課三分之一達期末扣考標準
Attendance results
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/8,9[C107]
授課教師 Teacher:吳奇浩
修課班級 Class:工學院1
選課備註 Memo:預選與第一階段限工學院一年級學生
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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