透過學習本課程,學習行銷的基本概念.架構及內涵,更進而應用數位行銷的各種工具,應用在食品產業的實際行銷業務擴展的實際有效的策略,包含網路行銷,社群行銷及電子商務四流及網站的規劃及執行,透過上課教學,個案分析,參訪,以達學用合一的目標.Through learning this course, we learn the basic concepts, structure and connotation of marketing, and more effectively apply various tools of digital marketing, and apply practical and effective strategies to expand the actual marketing business in food industry, including online marketing, community marketing and e-commerce. The planning and execution of the fourth-stream and website are carried out through teaching, case analysis, and visits to achieve the goal of integrating learning and use.
1.網路行銷 鑾斌.陳苡任 和著 滄海圖書
1. Online marketing by Jairbin Chen Yiren and He, Yang Hai Book
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平常成績平常成績 Normal achievements |
40 | 到課及平常學習態度及互動 |
期中報告期中報告 Midterm Report |
30 | 選定食品產業主題撰寫數位行銷策略其中報告書及簡報 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
30 | 選定食品產業主題撰寫數位行銷策略其末報告書及簡報 |