本課程以麵包生產、烘焙程序、原物料、品質等面向,於烘焙生產製程中置入智慧化生產及監控等技術,包含原物料之管理與產品品質管控等,課程中介紹應用數據系統預測原料配方比例對麵包整體口感及品質之影響以及烘烤影像對麵包產品品質特性之關係,並配合目前巿場現有技術之應用於課程中之烘焙實作,結合相關智慧化分析軟體之電腦實作以達到產品品質之穩定生產,最終希望提昇本系學生日後就業可應用智慧化生產模式之能力,成為未來研發管理人才。This course focuses on bread production, baking programs, raw materials, quality, etc., and incorporates intelligent production and monitoring technologies in the baking production process, including the management of raw materials and product quality control, etc. The course introduces the application data system to predict raw materials The impact of formula ratio on the overall taste and quality of the bread and baking image pairs Including the relationship between product quality characteristics, and in line with the baking practices applied in the course of the current market technology, combined with the computer practices of relevant intelligent analytical software to achieve stable production of product quality. In the end, I hope to improve the degree of study after my birthday. It can apply the ability of intelligent production models to become a future research and development management talent.
1. 食品工廠經營與管理:理論與實務, 李錦楓, 林志芳, 李明清, 顏文義,五南出版社
2. 生產計畫與管理 2/E,林則孟
1. 食品工廠經營與管理:理論與實務, 李錦楓, 林志芳, 李明清, 顏文義,五南出版社
2. Production Planning and Management 2/E, Lin Ye Meng
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席與參與出席與參與 Attend and participate |
20 | |
課堂參與課堂參與 Class Participation |
20 | |
實作作業實作作業 Actual work |
20 | |
課堂小組互動成績課堂小組互動成績 Classroom group interaction |
10 | |
平時測驗平時測驗 Daily test |
10 | |
期中測驗期中測驗 Midterm test |
10 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
10 |