In order to enable students to fully understand the source, physical and chemical characteristics, pollution conditions, treatment principles and patterns of animal husbandry waste, including:
1. Source and production volume of animal husbandry waste
2. Pollution status of animal husbandry waste
3. Principle of wastewater treatment
4. Physical and chemical characteristics of animal husbandry waste
5. The waste treatment modes of various animal husbandry sites
6. Animal Husbandry Wastewater Discharge Rules
7. Reuse of livestock waste
Help students to be familiar with the characteristics of animal husbandry waste, general waste treatment technology and principles, three-stage waste treatment site design and various poultry and livestock pollution prevention and control techniques, composting principle and production, odor removal principle and technology, pollution reduction and treatment, Only by meeting the requirements of environmental protection laws can we continue to develop forever.
1. 畜牧污染防治簡介 行政院農委會匯編
1. Introduction to the prevention and control of animal husbandry pollution, edited by the Executive Yuan Agricultural Committee
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中成績期中成績 Midterm achievements |
30 | 鄭淳予老師部分 |
期末成績期末成績 Final results |
30 | 林彣郁老師部分 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
40 | 期末口頭報告與討論 |