使同學們瞭解家畜之解剖學構造與各項生理現象之原理,以奠定未來各應用學科與基礎學科學習之基礎。下學期之課程內容包括: 循環系統之解剖與生理,呼吸系統之解剖與生理,消化系統之解剖與生理,泌尿系統之解剖與生理,內分泌學。Let students understand the principles of the anatomy structure and various physiological phenomena of livestock, so as to lay the foundation for future application and basic science. The course contents of the next period include: the anatomy and physiology of the circulation system, the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system, the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system, the anatomy and physiology of the urinary system, and endocrine learning.
2. Cunningham, J. G. 2007. Texbook of Veterinary Physiology. 4th ed. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunder.
3. Fox, S. I. 1990. Human Physiology. 3rd ed., Dubuque, Wm. C. Brown.
4. Frandson, R. D. and T. L. Spurgeon. 1992. Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animal. 5th ed., Philadelphia, Lea and Febiger.
5. Ruckebush, Y., L.-P. Phaneuf and R. Dunlop. 1991. Physiology of Small and Large Animals. Philadelphia, B. C. Decker.
6. Alkers, R. M. and D. M. Denbow. 2008. Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals. Ames, Blackwell.
7. Reece, W. O., H. H. Erickson, J. P. Goff and E. E. Uemura. 2015. Duke's Physiology of Domestic Animals. 13th ed. Ames, Wiley Lbackwell.
1. Yang Xikun. 2018. Animal anatomy physiology. Art. New Taipei City.
2. Cunningham, J. G. 2007. Texbook of Veterinary Physiology. 4th ed. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunder.
3. Fox, S. I. 1990. Human Physiology. 3rd ed., Dubuque, Wm. C. Brown.
4. Frandson, R. D. and T. L. Spurgeon. 1992. Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animal. 5th ed., Philadelphia, Lea and Febiger.
5. Ruckebush, Y., L.-P. Phaneuf and R. Dunlop. 1991. Physiology of Small and Large Animals. Philadelphia, B. C. Decker.
6. Alkers, R. M. and D. M. Denbow. 2008. Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals. Ames, Blackwell.
7. Reece, W. O., H. H. Erickson, J. P. Goff and E. E. Uemura. 2015. Duke's Physiology of Domestic Animals. 13th ed. Ames, Wiley Lbackwell.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
50 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
50 |