course information of 113 - 2 | 1986 Human Behavior and Social Environment(人類行為與社會環境)

1986 - 人類行為與社會環境 Human Behavior and Social Environment

教育目標 Course Target

人類的行為是由身體、心理、歷史、社會與文化情境等多重因素所造成的,在這些情境中,人們時常會面臨來自生理、心理或社會層面的需求,因此需要有效的因應這些需求,這種能力稱為適應。 這堂課的目的在於協助學生了解人類在不同階段的適應過程。理解人的適應與社會調適的過程被視為是促進人類與社會福祉的基本能力,同時也是社會工作專業的目的。 由於本課程為學年課程,因此在上學期我們會先學習基本的理論,同時了解懷孕生產時期、嬰幼兒時期的發展及適應歷程,並且開始認識兒童早期階段的發展歷程,下學期則將會從「兒童中期」開始到「成年晚期」。 請注意,課程大綱將會依教學進度及學生需求進行調整。另外,課程進行方式將在第一週上課時詳細說明,欲修習此堂課的同學請第一堂課一定要出席。Human behavior is caused by multiple factors such as body, psychology, history, social and cultural situations. In these situations, people often face physical, psychological or social needs, so they need to effectively respond to these needs. Ability is called suitable. The purpose of this course is to help students understand the appropriate processes of human beings at different stages. The process of understanding human suitability and social adaptability is seen as a basic ability to promote human and social well-being, and is also the purpose of social work professionally. Since this course is an annual course, we will first learn basic theories during the first period, and understand the development and appropriate courses of pregnancy and childbearing periods, and begin to understand the development of early childhood development. In the next period, we will start to understand the development process of children. "Mid-childhood" begins to "late adulthood". Please note that courses will be adjusted according to teaching progress and student needs. In addition, the course will be detailed in the first week of the course. Students who want to study this class should be required to attend the first class.

參考書目 Reference Books

1, 張宏哲(審閱),張宏哲、林昱宏、吳家慧、徐國強、陳心詠、鄭淑方 (合譯) (2021年6月)(四版再刷)。人類行為與社會環境 中文(第四版) (J. B. Ashford & C. W. LeCroy原著Human Behavior In The Social Environment A Multidimensional Perspective,第六版) 。台北:雙葉。

2, 其餘iLearn平台上傳之補充講義。
1. Zhang Hongzhe (reviewed), Zhang Hongzhe, Lin Yuhong, Wu Jiahui, Xu Guoqiang, Chen Xinqing, and Zheng Shufang (combined) (June 2021) (re-revised in the fourth edition). Human Behavior In The Social Environment A Multidimensional Perspective, 6th Edition). Taipei: Double Leaf.

2. Additional explanations uploaded by the iLearn platform.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
20 考試範圍為第二週至第八週內容
Final exam
20 考試範圍為第十一週至第十五週內容
Attendance and class participation
5 出席分數以上課點名為準,點名方式可能為iLearn點名或唱名點名
Classroom performance
10 本學期將有三次課堂演練,三次當中會選兩次作為課堂演練分數

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-1983 Human Behavior and Social Environment / 人類行為與社會環境 (社工系1A,授課教師:施麗紅,二/2,3,4[C219])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/2,3,4[SS322]
授課教師 Teacher:黎芸靈
修課班級 Class:社工系1B
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 69 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 69 人。

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