本課程主要為程式設計之初學者所設計,介紹「R語言」及「R軟體」的基本指令及基礎統計程式設計技巧,包含如何進行資料輸入輸出、資料處理、流程控制、函式設計等。R語言是公認處理大數據的最佳利器,不只是免費、開放源碼、語法簡單直覺、學習資源豐富,亦能夠透過數萬個套件來增強其功能。本課程籍由學生上機實際演練,並設計多個應用專題,培養學生具備問題解決與專題製作能力。引導學生具有應用統計與R程式設計的能力,以配合未來同學修習「回歸分析」、「統計計算」、「統計資料採礦」等相關課程之資料分析與程式撰寫的需要。This course is mainly designed by beginners of program design, introducing basic instructions and basic statistical programming techniques of "R Language" and "R Software", including how to perform data input and output, data processing, process control, function design, etc. R language is the best tool for publicly handling large data. It not only provides free, open source code, simple and intuitive syntax, and rich learning resources, but also enhances its functions through thousands of kits. This course is performed by students in an actual manner, and designs multiple application topics to cultivate students' problem solving and topic creation skills. Instruct students to have the ability to apply statistics and R program design to meet the needs of future students to study data analysis and program writing related courses such as "retrospective analysis", "statistic calculation", and "statistic data mining".
This course mainly teaches students to use software to write programming language. After studying this course, students will understand the basic principles of programming, have basic skills in writing programming, and can cultivate students' ability to use programming to solve problems . The course content mainly includes: basic knowledge of the program language, variables, formulas and operators, condition processing, method of program repetition, arrays, functions, indicators, arrays and indicators, various data types, and file input and Output etc.
"R語言:邁向Big Data之路",洪錦魁、蔡桂宏著,深石出版社,第2版,2021
"R Language: The Road to Big Data", written by Hong Jinkui and Cai Guihong, Shenshi Publishing House, 2nd Edition, 2021
"R Software: Application Statistical Method", Chen Jingxiang, Donghua Book Bureau, 2nd Edition, 2018
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
25 | 包含出缺席及上課互動等 |
作業&小考作業&小考 Work & Small Exam |
25 | 含每次上課的實作學習歷程、兩次小考 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
25 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
25 |