course information of 113 - 1 | 6762 Food Industry Low-carbon Sustainable Management(食品產業低碳永續管理)

6762 - 食品產業低碳永續管理 Food Industry Low-carbon Sustainable Management

教育目標 Course Target

ESG是聯合國在2005年所提出來的概念,可幫助企業和投資人了解評估風險和機會,降低氣候變遷、能源危機與政治風險對企業帶來的影響,已成為企業可持續性發展的關鍵因素。本課程內容涵蓋ESG發展趨勢、永續報告書撰寫指引與揭露資訊重點,以及台灣食品標竿企業ESG 永續報告書案例分享,培養學生未來從事食品相關產業,具備ESG永續規劃及運作的觀念與知識。 另一方面,隨著巴黎氣候協定生效後,世界各國現今正在探討如何採取積極措施,將溫升控制於1.5°C以內,避免造成地球環境不可逆的損害。ISO組織亦於2018年底將ISO 14064-1標準大幅改版,引導企業全面性的鑑別其溫室氣體衝擊並報告其減碳績效。本課程將透過溫室氣體管理趨勢與發展,探討企業之碳管理風險與機會,引導學生學習溫室氣體排放源、盤查涵蓋範疇與量化,及碳足跡(Carbon Footprint)相關議題之觀念與知識,培養學生未來從事食品產業,具備碳盤查、碳足跡查證與碳排優化的技能與應用。 ESG is a concept proposed by the United Nations in 2005. It can help companies and investors understand and evaluate risks and opportunities, and reduce the impact of climate change, energy crisis and political risks on companies. It has become a key factor in the sustainable development of companies. . This course covers ESG development trends, sustainability report writing guidelines and key information disclosures, as well as case sharing of ESG sustainability reports from Taiwan's food benchmarking companies, to train students to engage in food-related industries in the future and have the concept of ESG sustainable planning and operation. and knowledge. On the other hand, with the Paris Climate Agreement coming into force, countries around the world are now exploring how to take proactive measures to control temperature rise within 1.5°C to avoid irreversible damage to the global environment. The ISO organization also significantly revised the ISO 14064-1 standard at the end of 2018 to guide companies to comprehensively identify their greenhouse gas impacts and report their carbon reduction performance. This course will explore the carbon management risks and opportunities of enterprises through greenhouse gas management trends and developments, guide students to learn the sources of greenhouse gas emissions, inventory coverage and quantification, and the concepts and knowledge of carbon footprint (Carbon Footprint) related issues, and train students If you work in the food industry in the future, you will have the skills and applications of carbon inventory, carbon footprint verification and carbon emission optimization.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程內容涵蓋ESG發展趨勢、永續報告書撰寫指引與揭露資訊重點,以及台灣食品標竿企業ESG 永續報告書案例分享,培養學生未來從事食品相關產業,具備ESG永續規劃及運作的觀念與知識。
This course covers ESG development trends, sustainability report writing guidelines and key information disclosures, as well as case sharing of ESG sustainability reports from Taiwan's food benchmarking companies, to train students to engage in food-related industries in the future and have the concept of ESG sustainable planning and operation. and knowledge.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.王培智(2024), ESG永續發展與管理實務,社團法人ESG永續發展協會。
2. 教師自編教材

1. Wang Peizhi (2024), ESG Sustainable Development and Management Practice, ESG Sustainable Development Association.
2. Teachers compile their own teaching materials

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
Attend class participation (discussions)
independent learning
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[AG121]
授課教師 Teacher:李正賢/王翊和
修課班級 Class:食科系3,4,碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:大四可修。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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