course information of 113 - 1 | 5574 International Business(國際經營)

5574 - 國際經營 International Business

教育目標 Course Target

國際經營課程旨在培養學生的國際視野和管理能力,透過深入探討歷史背景與趨勢分析,使學生了解20世紀以來的產業發展,特別是1970年代以前美國大型企業的興起,這段時期塑造了開放論的全盛時期。隨後,1980年代日本在各個領域領先美國,推動了認同論的興起,成為全球管理的重要模式。到了1990年代中期,全球化浪潮及跨國代工的蓬勃發展,再次引領開放論風潮。進入2000年代,美國創新泡沫破滅後,日本汽車產業憑藉精實系統再次引領全球。2008年金融危機後,美國佔領華爾街運動、歐債問題、中國經濟增長放緩、日本經濟長期低迷,以及GAFA(Google、Amazon、Facebook、Apple)的崛起,使美中兩國的網路平台企業逐漸支配全球經濟,帶來了不同的評價。 此外,課程將探討現代挑戰與機會,例如2018年起的中美貿易紛爭,直接影響全球各大企業的經營策略。新冠疫情後,全球供應鏈重組與數位轉型,使國際經營面臨新的挑戰與機會。透過教師的背景解說、基礎教科書與新銳代表文獻的解讀,學生將深入理解國際經營管理的核心議題,並結合實際案例分析,幫助學生理解如何從國際代工邁向真正的全球市場經營。這將為台灣產業尋找出路與提升企業競爭力提供重要基礎。The international business course aims to cultivate students' international vision and management capabilities. Through in-depth discussion of historical background and trend analysis, students can understand the industrial development since the 20th century, especially the rise of large American companies before the 1970s. This period shaped the opening up The heyday of the theory. Subsequently, in the 1980s, Japan led the United States in various fields, promoting the rise of identity theory and becoming an important model of global management. By the mid-1990s, the wave of globalization and the booming development of transnational OEMs once again led the trend of openness. In the 2000s, after the U.S. innovation bubble burst, the Japanese automobile industry once again led the world with its lean system. After the 2008 financial crisis, the Occupy Wall Street movement in the United States, the European debt problem, the slowdown in China's economic growth, the long-term economic downturn in Japan, and the rise of GAFA (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple), the Internet platform companies in the United States and China have The growing dominance of the global economy has brought mixed reviews. In addition, the course will explore modern challenges and opportunities, such as the Sino-US trade dispute starting in 2018, which directly affects the business strategies of major companies around the world. After the COVID-19 epidemic, global supply chain reorganization and digital transformation have caused international operations to face new challenges and opportunities. Through teachers’ background explanations, interpretation of basic textbooks and cutting-edge representative literature, students will have an in-depth understanding of the core issues of international business management, combined with actual case analysis to help students understand how to move from international OEM to real global market operations. This will provide an important foundation for Taiwan's industry to find a way out and enhance corporate competitiveness.

課程概述 Course Description

20世紀的產業發展,特別是到1970年代為止的美國大型企業發展經驗,塑造了開放論的全盛期。1980年代日本產業在幾近所有領域領先美國產業,強烈認同論傾向的日本模式成為全球管理顯學。1990年代中期以降的全球化風潮,跨國代工蓬勃發展,再度帶動產業管理的開放論風潮。隨著2000年代初期的美國創新泡沫破滅,日本的汽車產業依然獨領風騷,認同論的舊酒,用「豐田模式」、「精實系統」的新瓶,再度席捲全球。 台灣產業完全沒有自外於這個全球化風潮。與品牌聯手,自行車、資訊電子產業相繼受惠於大陸的改革開放,大舉擴大生產規模。汽車產業與汽車零組件產業,也因為大陸投資成為贏家,甚至改變了國際定位。台商參與中國大陸經濟發展的事業有成,並不等於台灣本身產業得以發展與轉型。 本課程旨在透過代表性文獻之解讀,探討百年一度的金融危機之下國際經營管理的本質與課題,並進一步深層思考台灣產業的可能出路。。
The industrial development of the 20th century, especially the development experience of large American enterprises until the 1970s, shaped the heyday of openness theory. In the 1980s, Japanese industry led American industry in almost all fields, and the Japanese model with a strong tendency toward identity theory became a prominent global management philosophy. The globalization trend since the mid-1990s and the booming development of transnational OEMs have once again led to a trend of openness in industrial management. As the U.S. innovation bubble burst in the early 2000s, Japan's automobile industry still leads the way. The old wine of identity theory is once again sweeping the world in the new bottle of "Toyota Model" and "Lean System". Taiwan's industry is not at all isolated from this trend of globalization. Joining forces with brands, the bicycle and information electronics industries have successively benefited from mainland China's reform and opening up, and have greatly expanded their production scale. The automobile industry and automobile parts industry have also become winners due to mainland investment, and have even changed their international positioning. The success of Taiwanese businessmen in participating in mainland China's economic development does not mean that Taiwan's own industries have been able to develop and transform. This course aims to explore the nature and issues of international business management under the once-in-a-century financial crisis through the interpretation of representative literature, and to further think deeply about possible solutions for Taiwan's industry. .

參考書目 Reference Books



Hill/International Business 12e
作者: Charles W. L. Hill, G. Tomas M. Hult
譯者: 許嘉文
Main teaching materials: Lecture notes compiled by the lecturer

Reference books:

International Enterprise (12th Edition)
Hill/International Business 12e
Author: Charles W. L. Hill, G. Tomas M. Hult
Translator: Xu Jiawen
Publisher: Huatai Culture
Publication date: 2019/08/26

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and Class Participation
International business strategy project briefing (same group, same score)
Final exam (individual scores)
Peer evaluation of project contribution

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[IEⅡ102]
授課教師 Teacher:王鳳奎
修課班級 Class:工工碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:IM7203
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 10 人。

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