course information of 113 - 1 | 4481 Mindfulness and Life / Softball(大二體育:正念與樂活/壘球)

4481 - 大二體育:正念與樂活/壘球 Mindfulness and Life / Softball

教育目標 Course Target

引導學生有系統有組織的實踐壘球運動技能的學習,嘗試與學生共同形成充沛的教學資源與網絡,提供"教中學,學中教"的互動教學模式。 一、使學生能觀賞棒球比賽。 二、了解壘球運動之專業知能、技能、比賽規則,進而享受比賽的樂趣 三、訓練自我心肺耐力功能及體適能之提昇。 四、學習由練習比賽過程中,學會團體合作精神養成中終身運動習慣 五、透過FMS功能性檢測,使學生了解自我身體狀況 六、精進運動知能學習(運動賞析) It guides students to learn systematic and organized practical sports skills, try to form abundant teaching resources and network with students, and provide an interactive teaching model of "teaching in teaching, teaching in learning". 1. Enable students to watch baseball competitions. 2. Understand the professional knowledge, skills and competition rules of the sporting ball, and enjoy the fun of the competition. 3. Training the improvement of self-cardiopulmonary endurance function and physical fitness. 4. Learning is cultivated through the training competition process, and the spirit of cooperation between the group has been cultivated into the ultimate sports habit. 5. Through FMS functional testing, students can understand their physical condition. 6. Learning knowledge and ability to learn in sports (movement analysis)

參考書目 Reference Books

4.確實精進壘球技術 作者:楊芸韻 出版社:大坤
5.如何處理運動傷害(如何預防、如何治療) 翻譯:卓俊辰 出版社:盈泰出版社
6.體適能(健身運動處方的理論與實際) 卓俊辰編譯 師大體育學會出版

1. Teachers compile textbooks
2. Basic training textbooks for the Republic of China Baseball
3. Chinese: Li Jingyiru (1993): Niuton plays baseball. Taipei: Niutang
4. Effectively improve the skills of ball-smoking Author: Yang Yunyi Publisher: Da Kun
5. How to deal with sports injuries (how to prevent and treat) Translation: Zhuo Junchen Publisher: Yingtai Publisher
6. Physical fitness (theory and actuality of fitness exercise prescriptions) Edited by Zhuo Junchen Published by Teachers' College of Physical Education Association

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class Participation and Instruction
45 包含學習態度及小組競賽
Midterm exam
20 小組轉傳測驗
Final exam
20 實戰比賽綜合評分
FMS Test
Flexibility Learning
10 運動賞析心得報告及課堂互動參與

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相似課程 Related Course

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/7,8[Tuesday校棒球場]
授課教師 Teacher:王士豪
修課班級 Class:行政,社會,政治,國際2
選課備註 Memo:行政,社會,政治,國際2
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 32 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 32 人。

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