course information of 113 - 1 | 2672 Introduction to Anglo-American Law(英美法導論)

2672 - 英美法導論 Introduction to Anglo-American Law

教育目標 Course Target

本課程將以講授、討論、或提問辯答方式並行,由授課老師引導同學討論當週指定之教材內容。本課程同時將配合本課程各階段之進度,要求同學完成指定之研究作業。This course will be conducted in parallel with lectures, discussions, or question and answer sessions. The instructor will guide students to discuss the designated teaching materials for that week. This course will also coordinate with the progress of each stage of the course and require students to complete designated research assignments.

課程概述 Course Description

The Anglo-American legal system developed from common usage, judges' precedents, and principles of equity. This course focuses on an introduction to U.S. law. Introduce the core concepts that influence the development of the civil law system and the Anglo-American legal system, study and implement summaries of important cases, in order to cultivate legal English skills and inspire interest in exploring "what is law?" Main contents include an overview of the U.S. Constitution, tort law, contract law, criminal procedure law, etc.

參考書目 Reference Books

Teacher classroom materials

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
usual results
20 含出席率、討論參與等
Specify homework grade
midterm exam
final exam

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

必選-2678 Introduction to Anglo-American Law / 英美法導論 (法律系2B,授課教師:葉佳蕙,五/3,4[C112])
必選-8505 Introduction to Anglo-American Law / 英美法導論 (進法律系2,授課教師:簡良育,三/12,13[L208])

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/3,4[C112]
授課教師 Teacher:胡心蘭
修課班級 Class:法律系2A
選課備註 Memo:院必選課程。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 75 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 75 人。

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