course information of 113 - 1 | 2244 Campus Micro-entrepreneurship: From Planning to Execution(校園餐飲微型創業)

2244 - 校園餐飲微型創業 Campus Micro-entrepreneurship: From Planning to Execution

教育目標 Course Target

1. 熟悉校園微型創業之結構與流程常識 2. 促使學員能具備餐飲微型創業之知能 3. 培養學員對微型創業之興趣透過專題報告引導學生撰寫校園餐飲創業企劃案, 從校園消費者特性, 主題特性, 地點選取, 菜單價位設定, 硬體設施及服務流程撰寫逐步引導學生微型創業的流程與步驟, 作為日後學生創業的基礎1. Be familiar with the structure and process of campus micro-entrepreneurship 2. Encourage students to have the knowledge and ability to start a catering micro-entrepreneurship 3. Cultivate students' interest in micro-entrepreneurship. Guide students to write campus catering business plans through special reports. From campus consumer characteristics, theme characteristics, location selection, menu price setting, hardware facilities and service process writing, we will gradually guide students to write micro-entrepreneurship plans. Processes and steps serve as the basis for future student entrepreneurship

參考書目 Reference Books

Teacher's own handouts

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Micro Entrepreneurship Planning Proposal
Micro-entrepreneurship case analysis
Attend and discuss

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/7,8[M214]
授課教師 Teacher:朱惠玲
修課班級 Class:餐旅系3,4
選課備註 Memo:不開放外系及推廣部修課。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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