以食品科技知識的關點,學習食品安全衛生管理法及相關法規。瞭解熟稔食安法,以便未來在職場上有關原料檢驗,生產管理,及企畫行銷等各項工作的執行都能符合相關法規。Based on the importance of food technology knowledge, learn the food safety and health management laws and related laws and regulations. Understand the food safety law so that in the future, the implementation of various tasks such as raw material inspection, production management, and corporate marketing can comply with relevant regulations.
II.學習基礎的食品安全風險評估理論,會使用美國食藥署FDA-iRISK® 2.0軟體,評估食源性食物中毒及食品摻雜物毒性危害。
I. Based on the importance of food technology knowledge, learn the food safety and health management laws and related laws and regulations. Understand the food safety law so that in the future, the implementation of various tasks such as raw material inspection, production management, and corporate marketing can comply with relevant regulations.
II. Learn thesis on food safety risk assessment based on basic food safety risk assessment, using the U.S. Food Pharmacy FDA-iRISK® 2.0 software to evaluate foodborne food poisoning and food toxicity hazards.
Self-edited lecture
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
實驗報告實驗報告 Experimental Report |
30 | |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
40 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
30 |