course information of 113 - 1 | 2185 Japanese for Food Science(食品專業日文)

2185 - 食品專業日文 Japanese for Food Science

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的設定為入門到初級的日語課程,分為入門課程目標及初級課程目標。 入門課程目標: 1.熟記五十音(平假名&片假名) :認識五十音是學習日文的第一步。課堂上除介紹其由來外,也會用拼字等練習方式讓學生快速記住五十音。 2.熟悉發音規則:所謂語音其實就是聲音的傳達,但語言學習⼀般著重文法規則,往往會忽略發音的重要性。入門課程中將會介紹日語的發音規則及需要留意之處,讓學生能掌握發音原則。 初級課程目標: 1.建構基礎日文文法概念:本課程以「大家的日本語」為主軸進行,以名詞句、動詞句、形容詞句、時制的順序讓學生認識日文基礎的文法架構。透過紮實的基礎文法學習,以便將來連接口說的課程。 2.培養基礎會話能力:「大家的日本語」裡的會話單元都會出現該課的文法重點, 讓學生將學習到的文法運用在會話中,課堂上將透過分組練習達到能用初級日語溝通的目標。 This course is designed as an entry-level Japanese language course, divided into introductory course objectives and junior course objectives. Introductory course objectives: 1. Memorize the syllabary (hiragana & katakana): Knowing the syllabary is the first step in learning Japanese. In addition to introducing its origin in class, spelling and other exercises will also be used to help students quickly memorize the fifty tones. 2. Be familiar with pronunciation rules: The so-called pronunciation is actually the transmission of sound, but language learning generally focuses on grammatical rules and often ignores the importance of pronunciation. In the introductory course, Japanese pronunciation rules and things to pay attention to will be introduced so that students can master the principles of pronunciation. Elementary course objectives: 1. Construct basic Japanese grammar concepts: This course is conducted with "Everyone's Japanese" as the main axis. It uses the order of noun sentences, verb sentences, adjective sentences, and tenses to allow students to understand the basic grammatical structure of Japanese. Through solid basic grammar learning, you can connect to oral speaking courses in the future. 2. Cultivate basic conversation skills: The conversation units in "Everyone's Japanese" will feature the grammar focus of the course, allowing students to apply the grammar they have learned in conversation. In class, students will practice in groups to achieve the ability to communicate in elementary Japanese. Target.

課程概述 Course Description

This course is designed as an entry-level Japanese language course, divided into introductory course objectives and junior course objectives.

參考書目 Reference Books

大家的日本語初級I 或 樂學日語I / 緒方與林合著/東海大學出版
Everyone’s Beginner’s Japanese I or Enjoy Learning Japanese I / Co-authored by Ogata and Hayashi / Published by Tokai University

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
ordinary fraction
60 上課態度20%,小考及homework等 40%
midterm exam
final exam

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/B,Thursday/B[AG122]
授課教師 Teacher:何若瑄
修課班級 Class:食科系3,4
選課備註 Memo:與日文系課程模組
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 29 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 29 人。

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