本課程重點在於基礎有機化學的介紹,不同官能基的特性及如何利用有機化學機構概念,以實現在化學實驗的分子架構,課程上會運用生動的動畫與鮮明的投影片來加強學生的印象,進而幫助瞭解及提升學習的興趣。1. Addition reaction of Alkene
2. Alkynes: An Introduction to Organic Synthesis
3. Radical reactions
4. Sythesis
5. Alcohols and Phenols
6. Ethers and Epoxides; Thiols and Sulfides
7. Aromatic compounds
8. Aromatic substitution reactionsThis course focuses on the introduction of basic organic chemistry, the characteristics of different functional groups and how to use the concept of organic chemistry to realize the molecular structure of chemical experiments. Vivid animations and vivid slides will be used in the course to enhance students' impressions. This helps to understand and enhance interest in learning. 1. Addition reaction of Alkene
2. Alkynes: An Introduction to Organic Synthesis
3. Radical reactions
4. Sythesis
5. Alcohols and Phenols
6. Ethers and Epoxides; Thiols and Sulfides
7.Aromatic compounds
8. Aromatic substitution reactions
有機化合物的結構、物性化性、 化學反應及 有機反應機構的探討
Discussion on the structure, physical properties, chemical reactions and organic reaction mechanisms of organic compounds
1. Organic Chemistry (David Klein) 最新版
1. Organic Chemistry (David Klein) latest version
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 usual results |
10 | 不定時抽點名及作業共十次,一次缺席或繳交作業扣總分2分 |
期中考+期末考期中考+期末考 Midterm exam + final exam |
90 | 3次期考試分別40%, 30%, 20%,自己分別從分數高低作加權分配 |