本課程的目標,是要解釋21世紀初期,扭轉兩岸關係的最重要因素,也就是為什麼美國總統川普要發動美中貿易戰背後的背景因素。兩岸關係不是單純只是台灣與中國的關係,還關係到當前全球兩大強權的競爭,雙方都視台灣為自己的核心利益,但卻不是最優先目標。對台灣而言,和平、繁榮與主權是最重要的。對中國而言,共產政權的維繫大過一切。而對美國而言,保持在亞洲地區的霸權與和平是首要目標。而美中競爭的本質,已經再一次改變兩岸關係的本質。美中建交前,兩岸正處於金門砲戰之中,而現在美中關係退化到一個臨界點,也帶來國際秩序正在產生劇烈的變化,對於許多國家,包含台灣,在經濟與政治都產生深刻影響。國際體系與秩序是一個隨著大國力量變化而不斷變動的產物,而兩岸關係也逃不離這樣的影響,如何在此困境中追求兩岸關係的穩定,是本課程的教學重點。The goal of this course is to explain the most important factor in the early 21st century when the two sides of the Taiwan Strait were reversed, that is, why US President Trump wanted to develop the background factors behind the US-China trade war. Cross-strait relations are not just a pure relationship between Taiwan and China, but also a competition between the two major global powers. Both sides think that Taiwan is its core interests, but it is not the most preferred goal. For Taiwan, peace, prosperity and ownership are the most important. For China, the protection of the communist regime is more important than anything else. For the United States, maintaining hegemony and peace in Asia is the primary goal. The essence of the U.S.-China competition has once again changed the essence of cross-strait relations. Before the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait were in the Jinmen War. Now that the US-China relations have degenerated to a point, it has also brought about dramatic changes in the international order, which has produced profound economic and political developments for many countries, including Taiwan. influence. International system and order are products that change continuously with the change of national power, and cross-strait relations cannot escape such influence. How to pursue stability in cross-strait relations in this dilemma is the teaching focus of this course.
林子立,2020,〈全球秩序的重組:空間、認知與時間之分歧〉, 五南出版社。
Ripsman, Norrin, Jeffrey Taliaferro, and Steven E. Lobell, 2016. Neoclassical Realist Theory of International Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lin Zili, 2020, "Reorganization of Global Order: Differences between Space, Awareness and Time", Wunan Publishing House.
Ripsman, Norrin, Jeffrey Taliaferro, and Steven E. Lobell, 2016. Neoclassical Realist Theory of International Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席出席 Attend |
25 | |
分組報告分組報告 Sub-group report |
25 | |
考試考試 exam |
25 | |
作業作業 Action |
25 |