為讓學生在競爭激烈的就業環境中提早與就業市場接軌,精進專業知識與實務技能,透過暑期實際參與以瞭解產業實際運作,印證所學,增加學生實務經驗與未來就業機會。In order to allow students to connect with the job market early in the highly competitive employment environment, improve professional knowledge and practical skills, and understand the actual operation of the industry through practical participation in the summer, verify what they have learned, and increase students' practical experience and future employment opportunities.
In order to allow students to connect with the job market early in the highly competitive employment environment, improve professional knowledge and practical skills, and understand the actual operation of the industry through practical participation in the summer, verify what they have learned, and increase students' practical experience and future employment opportunities.
1. 黃政賢著, 給水工程, 高立圖書公司
2. 駱尚廉與楊萬發編,自來水與下水道工程,曉園出版社有限公司
3. Mackenzie L. Davis. Water and Wastewater Engineering: Design Principles and Practice, McGraw-Hill
1. Written by Huang Zhengxian, Water Supply Engineering, Gao Li Book Company
2. Edited by Luo Shanglian and Yang Wanfa, Water and Sewer Engineering, Xiaoyuan Publishing House Co., Ltd.
3. Mackenzie L. Davis. Water and Wastewater Engineering: Design Principles and Practice, McGraw-Hill
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
實習主管評分實習主管評分 Internship Supervisor Rating |
35 | 依實習期間之出勤紀錄、學習與工作態度、責任心與積極度表現、實習心得報告進行評量。 |
實習導師評分實習導師評分 Internship tutor rating |
35 | 實習週報、實習成果報告 |
100學年度專題演講參加場次100學年度專題演講參加場次 100 academic year special lectures attended |
30 | 於開學第一周公告於系網 |