To familiar with the physical and chemical principles in organic chemistry and their applicationsto familiar with the physical and chemical principles inorganic chemistry and their applications
The purpose of the organic chemistry experiment is to train students to use the process of experimental operations, phenomenon observation, preparation of compounds, separation, purification and identification, and through thinking, summary and induction to form a certain degree of relevant knowledge about organic chemical reactions, properties and structures of compounds. This knowledge can be echoed, verified, and combined with textbook theories. Through repeated experiments and practice, students can improve the integration of hands, eyes, and minds, and deepen their interest in and understanding of organic chemistry courses.
1. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, John McMurry, Cengage Learning, 2018
2. Introduction to Organic Chemistry, 6th Ed., Thomas Poon and William H. Brown, Wiley, 2017
3. Carraher’s Polymer Chemistry, Charles E. Carraher Jr., 10th Ed, CRC Press, 2017.
1. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, John McMurry, Cengage Learning, 2018
2. Introduction to Organic Chemistry, 6th Ed., Thomas Poon and William H. Brown, Wiley, 2017
3. Carraher’s Polymer Chemistry, Charles E. Carraher Jr., 10th Ed, CRC Press, 2017.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
實驗報告實驗報告 Experiment report |
35 | 實驗前作業(佔15%)、結果報告(佔20%) |
考試成績考試成績 test scores |
30 | 期中考試(佔15%)、期末考試(佔15%) |
平時成績平時成績 usual results |
35 | 出勤狀況(佔10%)、實驗結果(佔20%)、其他事項(佔5%) |