在中國思想史上,《老子》一書所呈現的道家思想理論絕對有舉足輕重的地位。本課程希望藉由《老子》原典的研讀,對先秦早期道家思想有更為深入的認知與理解。課程內容為:對於道家代表人物——老子的生平事蹟作一介紹,而對《老子》的各種版本如王弼本、帛書本與郭店竹簡本亦做出介紹與評價。本課程仍以歷朝最為通行的王弼本作為主要閱讀對象,而以其他版本為輔,將《老子》中所呈現之思想做出分類,大抵分為:本體論、宇宙論、認識論、人生論與政治論等,再依此分類選擇相關篇章研讀討論,並做出評價,以及發掘老子思想與中國文學之關係。In the history of Chinese thought, the Taoist theory presented in the book "Laozi" definitely has a strong position. This course hopes to have a more in-depth understanding and understanding of the early Taoist thoughts of the pre-Qin period through the study of the original text of Laozi. The course content is: An introduction to the life story of Lao Tzu, a representative figure of Taoism, and an introduction and evaluation of various versions of Lao Tzu, such as the Wang Bi version, the silk book version and the Guodian Zhu version. This course still uses the most popular Wang Bi version in the dynasty as the main reading object, while other versions are used to classify the ideas presented in Laozi, which are generally divided into: body theory, cosmic theory, cognition theory, life theory and political theory, and then select related chapters to study and discuss, make evaluations, and explore the relationship between Laozi's thoughts and Chinese literature.
1. Textbook: Chen Guyi: "Laozi's Commentary and Introduction", Taipei: Taiwan Commercial Printing Library, 1997.
2. Main reference books:
1. Chen Guying: "Lao Zhuang New Commentary", Taipei: Wunan Book Publishing Company, 1995.
2. Money Mu: "General Discussion on the Elderly", Taipei: Dongda Book Company, 1991.
3. Wang Yu: "Collected Thoughts of Lao Zhuang", Taipei: Lianhe Publishing Company, 1993.
4. Wang Shumin: "Draft on the Thoughts of Pre-Qin Taoism", Taipei: Chinese Institute of Literature and Philosophy, Central Academy of Sciences, 1992.
5. Wei Yuangui: "Exploration of Laozi's Thought System", Taipei: New Wenfeng Publishing Company, 1997.
6. Chen Ligui: "The Thought of Huang Lao during the War Period", Taipei: United Publishing Company, 1991.
7. Yin Zhenqing: "Recognizing Laozi and Laozi" - His Person and His Arts and Their Changes", Beijing: Commercial Press Library, 2008.
8. Xu Kangsheng: "Laozi Research", Taipei: Buffalo Press, 1993.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考試期中考試 Midterm exam |
30 | |
期末考試期末考試 Final exam |
30 | |
學期報告學期報告 Study period report |
30 |