3.熟知當代老子哲學的不同詮釋1. Read the text of "Laozi" intensively and be able to analyze concepts and construct interpretations
2. Able to further understand the philosophical issues involved in the concepts of "Laozi"
3. Be familiar with the different interpretations of Laozi’s philosophy in contemporary times
2.劉笑敢,《老子古今 :五種對勘與析評引論》,中國社會科學出版社,2005。
5.Roger Ames,《道不遠人 : 比較哲學視域中的 老子》,學院出版社,2004。
1. Chen Guying, "Laozi's Annotation and Translation", Taiwan Business.
2. Liu Xiaogan, "Laozi Ancient and Modern: Five Commentary and Introduction", China Social Sciences Press, 2005.
3. Wang Bi, "Notes on Laozi", Yiwen Press.
4. Mou Zongsan, "Talent and Mystery", Student Bookstore.
5. Roger Ames, "The Way Is Not Far Away: Laozi from the Perspective of Comparative Philosophy", Academy Press, 2004.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂報告討論課堂報告討論 Class report discussion |
50 | |
學期報告學期報告 term report |
40 | |
期末品茗論道討論期末品茗論道討論 Final tea discussion |
10 |