course information of 113 - 1 | 0042 Chinese Classics: Meng-chih(孟子)

0042 - 孟子 Chinese Classics: Meng-chih

教育目標 Course Target

孟子是儒家的代表人物,而《孟子》一書則影響了中國思想、文化與文學的發展。本課程擬介紹這位古代聖人,以及這本既古典、卻又深具生命力的專書,並從中討論儒學的特質、基本關懷與文化精神。而將先介紹孟子的生平及歷史背景,從而探討孟子的思想觀點與義理架構。並將以導讀的形式,分章介紹《孟子》一書。在「知人論世」的原則與文本的微觀解讀中,讀出孟子的人格及思想特色。課程的主要學習目標有三:一是修習本課程後,能對儒學以及孟子的核心關懷和理論,有基本的認識。二是能在研讀《孟子》的基礎上,訓練古典文獻的閱讀能力,以作為深入理解古典文化的基礎。三是建立在對孟子之學的理解和《孟子》書的解讀上,能對孟子在儒學史上的地位與影響,以及後世的孟子學發展,有進一步的認識,進而思索其在當代的可能意義。Mencius is a representative figure of Confucianism, and the book "Mencius" has influenced the development of Chinese thought, culture and literature. This course intends to introduce this ancient sage and this book, which is both classical and yet profoundly vital, and discuss the characteristics, basic concerns and cultural spirit of Confucianism. We will first introduce Mencius’s life and historical background, and then explore Mencius’ ideological viewpoints and doctrinal structure. The book "Mencius" will be introduced chapter by chapter in the form of an introduction. Through the micro-interpretation of the principle of "knowing people and analyzing the world" and the text, we can read Mencius's personality and ideological characteristics. The main learning objectives of the course are three: First, after studying this course, you can have a basic understanding of Confucianism and the core concerns and theories of Mencius. The second is to train the reading ability of classical documents on the basis of studying "Mencius" as a basis for an in-depth understanding of classical culture. The third is based on the understanding of Mencius and the interpretation of the book "Mencius", which can further understand Mencius' status and influence in the history of Confucianism, as well as the development of Mencius in later generations, and then think about its possible contemporary significance. .

參考書目 Reference Books

[Song Dynasty] Zhu Xi: "Collected Commentary on Chapters and Sentences of the Four Books"

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
Assignment 1 results

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/5,6,7[H209]
授課教師 Teacher:黃繼立
修課班級 Class:中文系1,2
選課備註 Memo:中文系一、二年級優先。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 86 人。

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