course information of 113 - 1 | 0032 Readings on Chinese Prose with Writing Practice(歷代文選及習作)

0032 - 歷代文選及習作 Readings on Chinese Prose with Writing Practice

教育目標 Course Target

研讀中國歷代古典散文、駢文,以及辭賦之名作,使學生認識歷代文章之嬗變,瞭解並欣賞各時期文章作品的風格特色與藝術成就,藉以培養學生閱讀與理解古文之能力,打好中文專業能力之基礎,並啟發學生對文學作品的推論與思辨能力,做為書寫或創作的良好根基。閱讀中國歷代古典散文、駢文與辭賦作品,除基本的理解外,尤其強調對作品的欣賞與分析,並輔以作者思想或作品環境等背景因素的說明,希望能對作品作更具深度的思考,進而全面且綜合地融會作品。Studying Chinese classical prose, parallel prose, and famous works of poetry in the past dynasties enables students to understand the evolution of articles in the past dynasties, understand and appreciate the style features and artistic achievements of articles and works in each period, so as to cultivate students' ability to read and understand ancient prose, and build professional Chinese skills It also inspires students' ability to infer and think about literary works, which serves as a good foundation for writing or creation. When reading Chinese classical prose, parallel prose, and poetry works from past dynasties, in addition to basic understanding, special emphasis is placed on appreciation and analysis of the works, supplemented by explanations of background factors such as the author's thoughts or the environment of the work, hoping to have a more in-depth reflection on the works. , and then comprehensively and comprehensively integrate the works.

課程概述 Course Description

A班: 本課程為大學部必修科,在中文系三年級開設。以歷代散體古文為講授範圍,修讀之學生,可以獲致古代文體知識、了解歷代文章發展,獲致古文寫作之專業訓練。 本課程之教學目標在引領學生掌握歷代文章資料,研究歷代文章發展歷程,閱讀經典作品。第一學期之教學內容為:1.歷代文章概述:文體序說、歷代文章發展概述2.明清文選讀 3.金元文選讀。第二學期之教學內容為:4.唐宋文選讀 5.漢魏六朝文選讀 6.先秦文選讀修讀之學生,可對於中國古典文學作本源性之觀察與探討,奠定未來從事學術研究或服務社會之能力。 B班: 本課程為中文系大三必修課程。目的在於貫串中國古典散文之研究,使學生瞭解各時期散文之發展、成就與特色,充分研讀重要作家之作品,厚植學生對文言文之閱讀與理解能力,進一步掌握文言之寫作要領,具備文言寫作之能力。
Class A: This course is a compulsory course in the undergraduate department and is offered in the third year of the Chinese Department. Taking the ancient prose of the past dynasties as the teaching scope, students who study it can acquire knowledge of ancient styles, understand the development of articles in the past dynasties, and obtain professional training in ancient prose writing. The teaching goal of this course is to guide students to master the materials of articles in the past dynasties, study the development process of articles in the past dynasties, and read classic works. The teaching content of the first semester is: 1. Overview of articles in the past dynasties: preface to style, overview of the development of articles in past dynasties 2. Selected readings of Ming and Qing dynasties 3. Selected readings of Jin and Yuan Dynasties. The teaching content of the second semester is: 4. Selected readings of Tang and Song Dynasties 5. Selected readings of Han, Wei and Six Dynasties 6. Selected readings of Pre-Qin literature Students who study can observe and discuss the origins of Chinese classical literature, laying the foundation for future academic research or serving the society. ability. Class B: This course is a required course for junior students in the Chinese Department. The purpose is to permeate the study of Chinese classical prose, enable students to understand the development, achievements and characteristics of prose in various periods, fully study the works of important writers, enhance students' ability to read and understand classical Chinese, further master the essentials of classical Chinese writing, and have the skills to write in classical Chinese. ability.

參考書目 Reference Books

Main teaching materials:
Self-compiled handouts
Reference books:
Wu Gongzheng, editor-in-chief: "Collection of Ancient Prose Appreciation", Taipei: Literature, History and Philosophy.
Guo Yuheng and Liu Pansui, editors-in-chief: "Selected Prose in Chinese History", Taipei: Wunan.
Zhang Suqing et al.: "Selected Notes on Prose in Past Dynasties", Taipei: Liren.
Hong Shunlong: "Selected Literature of the Past Dynasties--Reading, Appreciation, and Composition", Taipei: Wunan.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
Ancient prose exercises

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-0035 Readings on Chinese Prose with Writing Practice / 歷代文選及習作 (中文系3B,授課教師:郭章裕,四/2,3,4[A104])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[H206]
授課教師 Teacher:陳慶元
修課班級 Class:中文系3A
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 37 人。

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