course information of 113 - 1 | 0004 The Narrative Competence of Picture Books in the Digital Era(數位時代的繪本敘事力)

0004 - 數位時代的繪本敘事力 The Narrative Competence of Picture Books in the Digital Era

教育目標 Course Target

為使人文學基礎學科的理論得以與創意實作結合,將人文學教育向下扎根,以達到延伸人文學教育觸角之目的,本課程之設計特別整合中文外文日文等不同系所的授課教師以共同發揮巧思與創意,引導其將語文相關知識編寫成適合小學中年級兒童的故事。另聘請專業繪本講師引導學生了解繪本創作的理論和方式,認識各類創作媒材,並實作完成個人文字和圖像的繪本。 In order to combine the theory of basic humanities subjects with creative practice, to take humanities education downwards, and to extend the reach of humanities education, this course is specially designed to integrate teachers from different departments such as Chinese, foreign languages, and Japanese. Work together to use their ingenuity and creativity to guide them to write Chinese-related knowledge into stories suitable for children in primary and middle grades. Professional picture book lecturers are also hired to guide students to understand the theories and methods of picture book creation, understand various creative media, and complete picture books with personal text and images.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.安野光雅 《思考的孩子》 麥田出版社,2020。
2. 培利.諾德曼( Perry Nodelman), 楊茂秀、黃孟嬌、嚴淑女、林玲遠、郭鍠莉譯,《話圖:兒童圖畫書的敘事藝術》,財團法人兒童文化藝術基金會,2010。
4.培利.諾德曼、 梅維絲.萊莫:《閱讀兒童文學的樂趣》,臺北:天衛文化,2009年。

1. Mitsuya Anno "Thinking Child" Wheatfield Publishing House, 2020.
2. Perry. Perry Nodelman, translated by Yang Maoxiu, Huang Mengjiao, Yan Shunu, Lin Lingyuan, and Guo Kunli, "Pictures of Words: The Narrative Art of Children's Picture Books", Children's Culture and Art Foundation, 2010.
3. Jane. Du Nan: "Appreciating Pictures in Picture Books", Taipei: Lion Art, 2006.
4. Perry. Nordmann, Mavis. Lemo: "The Joy of Reading Children's Literature", Taipei: Tianwei Culture, 2009.
5.Paul. Yazheer: "Books, Children and Adults", Taipei: Tianwei Culture, 2015.
6. Lin Zhenmei: "Picture Book Eyes", Taipei: Parent-Child World, 2010.
7. Hao Guangcai: "What makes a good picture book good", Taipei: Green Culture, 2006.

評分方式 Grading

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Course Participation and Attendance
Finished story picture book

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7[C214]
授課教師 Teacher:周玟慧/劉美惠
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4(文學院開)
選課備註 Memo:微學分課程。院微學分課程
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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