在工業4.0、物聯網、大數據與機器學習等新興科技發達的現代,智慧化已成為產業的趨勢。而政府亦推動「智慧農業 4.0 」計畫,定位為「智慧生產」及「數位服務」,從人、資源及產業三方面進行優化。有鑑於此,本課程擬由食品整鏈各階段實務智慧化應用演講的方式,以案例帶領學生理解現今智慧化科技於食品供應鏈各階段的應用。授課方式擬採用案例討論的方式進行,採一週業師演講,一週講解實務案例,旨在使食科系同學理解AI可能的食品領域創新與應用。本課程有別於一般的專題演講課程,除聆聽演講完將強調課程的互動與討論,同時期末學生需提出智慧化技術於食品的可能案例並分享。課程的宗旨在使學生理解基礎的科技應用,並培育學生成為AI世代中,食品產業智慧創新的溝通與鏈結橋樑,提升學生整體就業價值。In the modern era of new technologies such as Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, large data and machine learning, intelligence has become the trend of the industry. The government also promoted the "Smart Agricultural 4.0" plan, positioning it as "Smart Production" and "Digital Services", and optimized from three aspects: people, resources and industry. In this regard, this course is a lecture on the intelligent application of food chains in various stages, and uses cases to lead students to understand the application of smart technology in various stages of food supply chains. The teaching method is conducted using case discussion, with a weekly lecture by a teacher and a weekly lecture by a practical case, aiming to enable students from the Department of Food to understand the possible innovation and application of AI in the food field. This course has a general lecture course that is specialized in topics. In addition to strengthening the interaction and discussion of the course after listening to the lecture, students at the end of the course need to propose possible cases of intelligent technology in food and share it. The purpose of the course is to enable students to understand basic scientific and technological applications, and to cultivate and generate intelligent and innovative communication and linkage bridges in the AI generation, so as to enhance students' overall employment value.
Teachers prepare their own teaching materials
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席出席 Attend |
20 | |
心得書面報告心得書面報告 Experience written report |
20 | |
上課參與及討論上課參與及討論 Participation and discussion in class |
25 | |
小考小考 Small exam |
10 | |
課外閱讀課外閱讀 Read outside the class |
10 | |
案例探討案例探討 Case Study |
15 |