學生可以由傳統的定量分析化學實驗中,學習實用的分析技術與處理實驗數據的能力。實際操作十個分析化學實驗,包括以重量分析法分析鋼鐵中鎳含量、體積滴定法、以酸鹼中和法進行水溶液的滴定、以pH測量儀進行電位分析、以錯合反應法進行EDTA的滴定、硝酸銀的沉澱分析、分析礦石中銅含量、維生素C的分析、以電位法分析礦石中鐵含量、以光譜技術分析鋼鐵中錳含量及混合物的分析。Students can learn practical analytical techniques and the ability to process experiments from traditional quantitative analytical chemistry experiments. In actual operation of ten analytical and chemical experiments, including gravimetric analysis of the content of the steel iron, body titration method, acid storing neutralization method for titration of aqueous solution, pH measurement sterilization method for EDTA Titration, precipitation analysis of silver nitrate, analysis of copper content and vitamin C in minerals, analysis of iron content in minerals by potential method, and analysis of steel content and mixtures by spectroscopy technology.
Training students have basic analytical experiment skills and the ability to process experiment data.
(1) Skoog, “Principles of Instrumental Analysis” 6th Edition
(2) Skoog, “Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry” 9th Edition
(1) SK OO work, “principles of instrumental analysis” 6TH edition
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
報告報告 report |
35 | |
態度態度 Attitude |
25 | |
操作操作 operate |
20 | |
筆試筆試 Test |
20 |