course information of 109 - 1 | 6769 Lecture of Food Technology and(食品科技與生技實務講座)

6769 - 食品科技與生技實務講座 Lecture of Food Technology and

教育目標 Course Target

1.公司簡介: 起緣、文化、理念、主要產品種類 2.行銷或全球佈局策略說明 3.產品特色或特殊競爭力說明 4.具有競爭力之關鍵技術說明: 如產品品質與安全維護策略、配方技術、生產技術、生產關鍵設備、策略連盟、行銷手法… 5.Case Study : 6.其他: 如公司經營、管理、行銷、投資、個人生涯特殊轉捩點經驗分享等.藉由學術演講,使同學了解產業與市場相關經營管理、研發、生產、行銷相關做法1. Company profile: origin, culture, philosophy, main product categories 2. Marketing or global layout strategy description 3. Description of product features or special competitiveness 4. Description of key competitive technologies: such as product quality and safety maintenance strategies, formula technology, production technology, key production equipment, strategic alliances, marketing techniques... 5.Case Study: 6. Others: Such as company operation, management, marketing, investment, special turning point experience sharing in personal career, etc. Through academic lectures, students can understand industry and market-related business management, research and development, production, and marketing related practices.

課程概述 Course Description

1.公司簡介: 起緣、文化、理念、主要產品種類 2.行銷或全球佈局策略說明 3.產品特色或特殊競爭力說明 4.具有競爭力之關鍵技術說明: 如產品品質與安全維護策略、配方技 術、生產技術、生產關鍵設備、策略連盟、行銷手法… 5.Case Study : 案例經驗分享 (至少2個案例) 5.1狀況說明: 例如 5.1.1.現有產品品質改良與衛生安全所遭遇的瓶頸… 5.1.2.競爭對手類似產品推出後所面臨的問題… 5.1.3.新產品開發的迫切需求… 5.1.4.行銷手法亟需推陳出新… 5.1.5.工廠衛生安全管理改革的需求… 5.2解決方案說明 5.3成果說明或檢討說明 6.其他: 如公司經營、管理、行銷、投資、個人生涯特殊轉捩點經驗分 享等
1. Company profile: origin, culture, philosophy, main product categories 2. Marketing or global layout strategy description 3. Description of product features or special competitiveness 4. Description of key competitive technologies: such as product quality and safety maintenance strategies, formulation technology technology, production technology, key production equipment, strategic alliances, marketing techniques... 5.Case Study: Case experience sharing (at least 2 cases) 5.1 Status description: e.g. 5.1.1. Bottlenecks encountered in existing product quality improvement and health and safety... 5.1.2. Problems faced by competitors after launching similar products... 5.1.3. Urgent need for new product development… 5.1.4. Marketing techniques urgently need to be innovated... 5.1.5. Demand for factory health and safety management reform… 5.2 Solution description 5.3 Results description or review description 6. Others: Such as company operation, management, marketing, investment, personal career special turning point experience points Enjoy waiting

參考書目 Reference Books


評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Experience report
Hosting, reception and preparation matters
Oral report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7[AG121]
授課教師 Teacher:梁志弘
修課班級 Class:食科系4,碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:大四可修
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 15 人。

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