course information of 109 - 1 | 6611 Study Abroad(移地研究)

6611 - 移地研究 Study Abroad

教育目標 Course Target

1980年末台灣民主化跨出第一步,1994年台灣社會展開新一波的教育改革,並以教育鬆綁、帶好每位學生、暢通升學管道、提升教育品質、建立終身學習社會為教育發展的方向。教育當局開始推動廣設高中大學的政策,為了實現教育機會均等的政策與理想,在2000年前後開始推動12年國教政策,並在12年國教上路後進一步規劃107(108)課綱的改革,期待不僅在國民教育制度上,更要在課程與教學上推動適性學習,以符應社會對教育改革的期待。 在正規教育體制改革的過程,伴隨著「家長教育權」觀念的普及,各種「實驗」類型的教育組織與學校也慢慢從國外引進到國內,並獲得社會不同需求家長的認同。2014年總統公布實驗教育三法,實驗教育不再是私人辦學的專利,也陸續有公立學校以轉型或公辦民營的方式投入實驗教育的推動。 整體來說,實驗教育在台灣實施的時間尚短,在體制上也尚未完備,各種的實驗教育(學校)或模式也非常多元。但在自由民主的多元社會中,家長教育選擇權將會被更加重視,家長將會根據自己的生命、教育理念,以及所擁有的資源,讓自己的下一代接受不同於體制內教育的培育,實驗教育對台灣整體教育的影響也必然日益增加。 為培育本所研究生在多元社會中了解不同類型的教育模式,協助修課學生從觀察不同教育模式的優勢,以利整合自我的潛能提升自我的教學能力,不僅可以更有效的進行適性教學,並能有效的結合生命教育理念規劃不同群體的教學活動課程。本年度的移地研究規劃為不同類型實驗學校的實地參訪,計規劃四所不同類型的實驗學校,包括:道禾實驗學校、伊甸家園、均一實驗高級中學以及原住民和平實驗國民中學。本課程將透過行前的實驗教育文獻閱讀與討論,個別參訪實驗學校的相關文獻與網絡資料搜尋,進行參訪前的預備知識建構;並在參訪學校聽取相關人員的解說、導覽與對話來體驗實驗教育的內涵與活力;最後在結束參訪後由授課教師帶領,回到課堂進行反思討論,以利對當前台灣的實驗教育進行深度的瞭解。 At the end of 1980, Taiwan took the first step toward democratization. In 1994, Taiwanese society launched a new wave of educational reforms, and the goals of educational development were to loosen educational constraints, educate each student well, smooth channels for further education, improve educational quality, and establish a lifelong learning society. direction. The education authorities began to promote the policy of establishing high schools and universities. In order to realize the policy and ideal of equal educational opportunities, they began to promote the 12-year national education policy around 2000, and further planned the 107 (108) curriculum after the 12-year national education was launched. Reform is expected not only in the national education system, but also in curriculum and teaching to promote adaptive learning to meet society's expectations for education reform. In the process of reforming the formal education system, along with the popularization of the concept of "parents' right to education", various "experimental" educational organizations and schools have been slowly introduced from abroad to China, and have gained recognition from parents with different needs in society. In 2014, the President announced the Three Laws on Experimental Education. Experimental education is no longer the exclusive preserve of private schools. Public schools are also being promoted to invest in experimental education through transformation or public-private ownership. Overall, experimental education has only been implemented in Taiwan for a short period of time, and the system is not yet complete. Various experimental education (schools) or models are also very diverse. However, in a free and democratic pluralistic society, parents' right to choose education will be taken more seriously. Parents will allow their next generation to receive training that is different from the education in the system based on their own lives, educational concepts, and resources. The impact of experimental education on Taiwan's overall education will inevitably increase. In order to cultivate our graduate students to understand different types of education models in a pluralistic society, we help students take the course to observe the advantages of different education models, so as to integrate their own potential and improve their teaching abilities. Not only can they provide more effective adaptive teaching, but also Can effectively plan teaching activity courses for different groups based on life education concepts. This year’s ex-situ research plan includes on-site visits to different types of experimental schools. Four different types of experimental schools are planned, including: Daohe Experimental School, Eden Home, Junyi Experimental Senior High School, and Aboriginal Peace Experimental Junior High School. This course will build preparatory knowledge before the visit by reading and discussing experimental education literature before the trip, searching for relevant literature and online information on individual visits to experimental schools, and listening to explanations, guidance and explanations from relevant personnel at the visited schools. dialogue to experience the connotation and vitality of experimental education; finally, after the visit, led by the teaching teacher, they returned to the classroom for reflection and discussion, in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the current experimental education in Taiwan.

參考書目 Reference Books

Dewey, John, 呂金一、吳毓瑩譯、2018,《明日學校》。商周。

Li Jiatong, 2004, let the high wall fall! Taipei: Lianjing Publishing House.
Yan Changshou, 2011, education should be different. Taipei: Tianxia Publishing House.
Dewey, John, translated by Lu Jinyi and Wu Yuying, 2018, "Tomorrow's School". Shang and Zhou dynasties.
Other single reading materials are uploaded to the teaching platform, and supplementary materials accompanying the class are uploaded to Educational Sociology Research FB
For students to download and read

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
全程參與課程實施 全程參與課程實施
Participate in full course implementation
30 參訪前後之研討與作業
Enthusiastic participation in division of labor
Participate in discussions
Oral/written report (including ex-situ research results manual)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:趙星光
修課班級 Class:教育專班2
選課備註 Memo:暑期移地教學課程,限暑期參與移地教學課程者選修。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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