course information of 109 - 1 | 5967 Research on Excellent Business Model(企業經營典範研討)

5967 - 企業經營典範研討 Research on Excellent Business Model

教育目標 Course Target

一、教學目標 1、台灣的EMBA都以培養企業的執行長(CEO)為目標,可是課程強調「論述」,忽略「行動」;強調「專業」,忽略「整合」;強調「方法」,忽略「典範」;強調「獲利」,忽略「道德」;強調「利己」,忽略「利他」。為解決此問題,本的課程聘請典範人物前來分享經驗,增加學生高層次之經營實務。 2、當場以演講之內容為學習材料,由三位不同專業之教授,為同學解析企業經營典範,協助學生建立經營之架構。 二、課程特色 1、每次上課都有林財丁、邢有光及許恩得三位教授同時出現在課堂上,與學生一起聽講,引導學生發問,歸納演講者之重點,啟發學生之經營視野。 2、在臉書(FACEBOOK)建立「企業經營典範研討」的群組,將每個星期寫得比較好的心得報告加以修辭,放到臉書供同學參考,增加學習效果,並典藏台灣企業經營典範。 3、自2019年起,每學期出版一本「企業經營典範研討」精華報告,讓修課學生學習與參考。 4、本課程已經開設十五年,累積超過200位台灣企業之經營經驗。 5、本課程與會計系碩士班共時上課,非EMBA學生亦可學習「企業經營典範研討」之內容。 1. Teaching objectives 1. Taiwan’s EMBA aims to cultivate corporate chief executive officers (CEOs), but the courses emphasize “discourse” and ignore “action”; they emphasize “professionalism” and ignore “integration”; they emphasize “methods” and ignore “models”; Emphasize "profit" and ignore "morality"; emphasize "self-interest" and ignore "altruism". In order to solve this problem, this course invites role models to share their experiences and increase students' high-level business practices. 2. Using the content of the speech as learning materials, three professors from different majors will analyze business models for students and assist students in establishing a business structure. 2. Course Features 1. In every class, three professors, Lin Caiding, Xing Youguang and Xu Ende, appear in the classroom at the same time to listen to the lectures with the students, guide them to ask questions, summarize the key points of the speakers, and inspire students' business vision. 2. Establish a "Business Management Model Seminar" group on Facebook (FACEBOOK). Rhetorize the better experience reports written each week and put them on Facebook for students to refer to, increase the learning effect, and collect Taiwanese business management Model. 3. Starting from 2019, an essence report of "Business Management Model Seminar" will be published every semester for students to study and refer to. 4. This course has been offered for fifteen years and has accumulated more than 200 business experience from Taiwanese companies. 5. This course is taught at the same time as the master's class in the Department of Accounting. Non-EMBA students can also learn the content of the "Business Management Model Seminar".

參考書目 Reference Books


評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
課堂參與 課堂參與
class participation
作業報告 作業報告
homework report
口頭報告 口頭報告
Oral report

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相似課程 Related Course

選修-6081 Research on Excellent Business Model / 企業經營典範研討 (高階經管班1,2,授課教師:林財丁/劉忠賢/蔡裕慶,五/11,12,13[M201])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/11,12,13[M201]
授課教師 Teacher:林財丁/許恩得
修課班級 Class:會計碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:高階經管專班6081課程併班上課
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 11 人。

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