這門課適合先前從未上過健身房或基礎肌力訓練經驗不足的學員,透過這門課,認識健身房的設備與安全進行健身,並了解自身身體活動表現。目的希望結合有氧脂肪代謝、無氧重量訓練、基礎肌力訓練等知識統合,建立學員具備完整的心肺、重量、肌力訓練正確的觀念。健康體適能將從心肺適能、肌肉適能及身體組成等全方位訓練促進學員的身體適能。This course is suitable for students who have not experienced in gyms or basic muscle training. Through this course, you can understand the gym equipment and exercise safely, and understand your own physical activities. The purpose is to combine knowledge combinations such as aerobic fat lift, oxygen-free weight training, and basic muscle strength training to establish a complete concept of correct cardiopulmonary, weight and muscle strength training. Healthy fitness promotes students' physical fitness from all-round training such as cardiopulmonary fitness, muscle fitness and body composition.
ACSM body is suitable for manual registration, Jiuzhou Books and Cultural Relics Co., Ltd.
Basic weight training, Hefeng Publishing House
Sports Physiology, Xinwenjing Publishing House
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
服裝儀容與出缺席率服裝儀容與出缺席率 Clothing and Absentee Rate |
40 | 運動服裝是基本要求 |
課堂表現課堂表現 Classroom performance |
20 | 健身房請勿嬉鬧跑跳 |
考試評量考試評量 Exam evaluation |
40 |