(I) Use fitness equipment to repair body lines
(II) Heavy exercises to increase body muscle strength
(III) Aerobic exercise promotes cardiopulmonary endurance function
1.NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training. Roger W. Earle and Thomas R. Beachle 2004.
2.ACSM’s Resources for the PERSONAL TRAINER. ACSM 2004.
3.ACSM HEALTH & FITNESS CERTIFICATION REVIEW. Jeffrey L. Roitman & Khalid W. Bibi 2001.
4.健身訓練指導。 Mark Vella & Nick Walter 孫曉嵐 譯 2007.
5.大學生的健康體適能。卓俊辰 2001.
1.NSCA’s Essentials of Personal Training. Roger W. Earle and Thomas R. Beachle 2004.
2.ACSM’s Resources for the PERSONAL TRAINER. ACSM 2004.
3.ACSM HEALTH & FITNESS CERTIFICATION REVIEW. Jeffrey L. Roitman & Khalid W. Bibi 2001.
4. Fitness training guidance. Mark Vella & Nick Walter Sunny Translation 2007.
5. The health of college students is suitable. Zhuo Junchen 2001.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
學科測驗 學科測驗 Scientific Test |
15 | 期末知識測驗 |
出席狀況、學習態度出席狀況、學習態度 Attendance status and learning attitude |
30 | 整學期缺席達4次(未滿學期1/3週次),整們學期分數以零分計算 |
訓練操作、器材動作分析 訓練操作、器材動作分析 Training operation and equipment operation analysis |
30 | 期中考:考器材操作_器械式(Machine)為主 |
體適能測驗、心肺適能累計距離體適能測驗、心肺適能累計距離 Suitable for physical testing and suitable for cardiopulmonary accumulating distance |
25 | 整學期累積心肺適能知測驗 |
課後健身房進入規律運動次數課後健身房進入規律運動次數 After class, the number of regular exercises entered in the gym |
5 | 課後練習之形成性評量之分數 |