提升學生華語詞彙量、口語、書寫表達及閱讀理解能力使之具備大學生活及專業學習之基礎語言能力。Improve students' Chinese vocabulary, speaking, writing, reading and understanding skills so that they can have the basic language skills of university life and professional learning.
Dun Shouxin's editor: "Contemporary Chinese Course" 4, Taipei: Joint Press, published in 2017.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席與課堂表現出席與課堂表現 Attendance and class performance |
20 | |
平時小考平時小考 A small exam |
40 | 於每課學習活動完成後,進行一次複習考。本學期預計施測四-五次。 |
平時作業平時作業 Normal operation |
10 | 本學期有一次作業,題目配合課程主題。 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
10 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
20 | 期末報告:學生選擇一個主題於期末進行口頭報告10%(書面報告10%) |