course information of 109 - 1 | 2741 Consumers Protection Law(消費者保護法)

2741 - 消費者保護法 Consumers Protection Law

教育目標 Course Target

於吾人日常生活中,食、衣、住、行、育、樂等為達生活目的之行為,皆難全然摒除於消費關係以外。由此可想見:消費者保護之開展,不僅有助於保障人民之安全、健康,提升整體生活品質,且對於社會經濟之發展亦具有重大影響,故有關消費者權益之所在、消費者權益受損時的救濟管道等課題,實具有高度重要性。 於1994年,以保護消費者權益為目標之消費者保護法終在萬眾期待下面世。而隨著社會背景的快速變遷,包括如:網路普及致交易型態發生了巨大改變,因此衍生出不同面向之消費糾紛;又或者近年來復捲土重來之食品安全事件等,在在凸顯出消費者保護工作須與時俱進,以及消費者對於自身權益當有所認識之必要性。為使修課學生能夠系統性的掌握消費者保護法之架構,並進一步培養其面對消費糾紛所涉法律問題之能力,本課程除由授課教師講解該法之現行規範內容外,並將適時以具體之消費糾紛個案為例,俾助其檢視理論運用於實務之狀況、以及理論與實務間的落差。此外,授課教師亦將於適當處引介外國立法例,以拓展修課學生之法學視野。 In our daily lives, it is difficult to completely exclude food, clothing, shelter, transportation, education, entertainment and other behaviors to achieve the purpose of life, and it is difficult to completely exclude them from the consumption relationship. It can be imagined that the development of consumer protection not only helps to protect people's safety and health, and improves the overall quality of life, but also has a significant impact on social and economic development. Therefore, where consumer rights and interests lie, consumer rights and interests Issues such as relief pipelines in the event of damage are of high importance. In 1994, the much-anticipated Consumer Protection Law, which aimed to protect consumer rights and interests, was finally released. With the rapid changes in the social background, including: the popularization of the Internet has led to huge changes in transaction patterns, resulting in different aspects of consumer disputes; or the resurgence of food safety incidents in recent years, etc., are now highlighting the importance of consumption The protection work of consumers must keep pace with the times, and it is necessary for consumers to be aware of their own rights and interests. In order to enable students to systematically grasp the structure of the Consumer Protection Law and further develop their ability to face legal issues involved in consumer disputes, in addition to the instructor explaining the current normative content of the Law, this course will also include timely Taking specific consumer dispute cases as examples to help them examine the application of theory in practice and the gap between theory and practice. In addition, teachers will also introduce foreign legislation where appropriate to expand the legal horizons of students taking the course.

參考書目 Reference Books

Hong Zhihong, Consumer Protection Law, Wunan Publishing House, July 2017.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
35 筆試。
final exam
35 筆試。
usual results
30 以學生出席率、課堂參與度......等作為評分基準。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4[C119]
授課教師 Teacher:魏伶娟
修課班級 Class:法律系2-4
選課備註 Memo:民事法選修學群。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 51 人。

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