course information of 109 - 1 | 2253 Herbs and Spices(香草與辛香料)

2253 - 香草與辛香料 Herbs and Spices

教育目標 Course Target

1.於示範廚房教室暨本校生態實驗農場香草園學習田野花、草生長習性、加工、應用,從中認識花、草、茶特質。 2.於示範廚房就農場之花草茶葉就地取材、資源利用、創意與美學、製造產值。 3.鼓勵學生嘗試各式通路,推廣所製造之香草應用作品。 1. Learn the growth habits, processing, and application of field flowers and grasses in the demonstration kitchen classroom and the herb garden of the school's ecological experimental farm, and learn about the characteristics of flowers, grasses, and tea. 2. In the demonstration kitchen, we will learn about the farm’s flowers and teas from local materials, resource utilization, creativity and aesthetics, and manufacturing output value. 3. Encourage students to try various channels to promote the vanilla application works they create.

課程概述 Course Description

1.知識學習包括 香草的課程包括:香草品種認識、香草栽植(認證)、香草加工(風乾、搓碎)、香草商品經營與管理(香草油膏、香草油、香草醋、香草養生酒、香草果茶、香草茶包、複方花草茶包、香草冰淇淋等)以及香草與菜餚的應用。辛香料的課程包括:各種辛香料認識、辛香料栽植、辛香料加工(烘烤、油煎、研磨)、辛香料商品經營與管理(綜合辛香料配方、養生滷包、發酵泡菜等)以及辛香料在菜餚中的應用。 2.經營活動設計 同學修讀本課程必須在期中考時繳交一份香草或辛香料商品化企畫書,企劃書除了產品說明 外,必須提出材料、設施與人力成本以及營收模式之可行性評估。並於課程修讀期間執行完 成企畫書的方案,期末報告時將持行過程與成果與同學分享。
1. Knowledge learning includes Courses on vanilla include: knowledge of vanilla varieties, vanilla cultivation (certification), vanilla processing (drying, grinding), vanilla product management and management (vanilla ointment, vanilla oil, vanilla vinegar, vanilla health wine, vanilla fruit tea, vanilla tea bags, compound herbal tea bags, vanilla ice cream, etc.) and the application of herbs and dishes. Courses on spices include: understanding of various spices, cultivation of spices, processing of spices (baking, frying, grinding), business and management of spice products (comprehensive spice formulas, health-preserving braised buns, fermented kimchi, etc.) and spices. The use of spices in dishes. 2. Business activity design Students taking this course must submit a commercialization plan for herbs or spices during the midterm exam. In addition to the product description, the plan In addition, a feasibility assessment of material, facility and labor costs, and revenue model must be presented. and be completed during the course Complete the project plan and share the implementation process and results with your classmates in the final report.

參考書目 Reference Books


作者: フローレンス めぐみ/監修

鄭昀育 ,
養沛文化 ,


出版社: 品度股份有限公司
作者:張德 譯

1. Vanilla style, slow life: 80 vanilla life proposals

Author: フローレンス めぐみ/Supervision
Translator: Jiang Bairu
Publisher: Yangpei Culture
Publication date: 2017/05/10

2. Herb shop in the forest
Hagio Eriko
Zheng Yunyu,
Yangpei Culture,
Publication date: 2017-04-25

3.Spice Encyclopedia

Publisher: Pindu Co., Ltd.
Author: Translated by Zhang De

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class attendance and participation
跑台香草識別小考 跑台香草識別小考
Treadmill Vanilla Identification Quiz
責任香草照顧 責任香草照顧
Responsible Vanilla Care
Vanilla application project plan
Vanilla Works Social Enterprise Performance

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/1,2[M214]
授課教師 Teacher:周碩雄/林育正
修課班級 Class:餐旅系2
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 39 人。

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