course information of 109 - 1 | 2231 Genetically Modified Food and Safety(基因改造食品與安全)

2231 - 基因改造食品與安全 Genetically Modified Food and Safety

教育目標 Course Target

基因改造食品來自經基因重組或編修之生物與其製品,一方面背負改善食物質量、醫療保健、生物複育等重大的期待;一方面也因改造生物背後隱含的健康、經貿、倫理、道德、社會與生態問題而多受責難。本課程提供修習者瞭解基因改造之理論與實作、檢驗與安全性評估、基因改造食品現況與其背負之期望與爭議、各國管理與監督機制,以及基改食品的未來。包含基因改造食品簡介與現況、基因轉殖技術、基改食品之檢驗與分析技術、基因改造之實例探討、基改食品之爭議、基改食品之安全評估、基改食品與環境生態、基改食品與國際貿易、基改食品管理:標示與規範、基因改造食品之前景等面向。Genetically modified foods come from genetically recombined or modified organisms and their products. On the one hand, they bear great expectations for improving food quality, medical care, and biological restoration; on the other hand, they are also due to the health, economics, trade, ethics, morals, and other implications behind modified organisms. often blamed for social and ecological problems. This course provides students with an understanding of the theory and practice of genetic modification, testing and safety assessment, the current status of genetically modified foods and the expectations and controversies they carry, the management and supervision mechanisms of various countries, and the future of genetically modified foods. Including the introduction and current situation of genetically modified food, genetically modified food technology, genetically modified food inspection and analysis technology, case study of genetically modified food, controversy over genetically modified food, safety assessment of genetically modified food, genetically modified food and environmental ecology, genetically modified food Food and international trade, genetically modified food management: labeling and specifications, prospects for genetically modified foods, etc.

課程概述 Course Description

This course provides students with an understanding of the theory and practice of genetic modification, testing and safety assessment, the current status of genetically modified foods and the expectations and controversies they carry, the management and supervision mechanisms of various countries, and the future of genetically modified foods. Including the introduction and current situation of genetically modified food, genetically modified food technology, genetically modified food inspection and analysis technology, case study of genetically modified food, controversy over genetically modified food, safety assessment of genetically modified food, genetically modified food and environmental ecology, genetically modified food Food and international trade, genetically modified food management: labeling and specifications, prospects for genetically modified foods, etc.

參考書目 Reference Books

基因轉殖食品 2002年初版 殷麗君等編著 五南出版社
Genetically modified foods, first published in 2002, edited by Yin Lijun and others, Wunan Publishing House

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
Group reports and final debate
daily performance

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/3,4[C107]
授課教師 Teacher:盧錫祺
修課班級 Class:食科系3
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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