course information of 109 - 1 | 2198 Food Processing Lab. (I)(食品加工實驗(一))

2198 - 食品加工實驗(一) Food Processing Lab. (I)

教育目標 Course Target

●課程目標 (Course Objectives) 1.在實驗過程中,對於機械器具的操作、食品添加物、食品成分分析、微生物、人為污染、衛生安全、食品減廢、食品包裝及保存…等圴需全面考量配合。 2.透過實際參與每週撰寫報告,練習尋找主題相關資料,進而發展全面性探討的能力,並完成一份有思辨精神報告。 ● 課程內涵 (Course Contents) 1食品加工實驗係在驗證理論與實際整合學習最有效的方法之一。 2.學生可從認識材料,進而暸解食品加工程序、貯藏、品管等一系列的知識與技術。3.食加實驗並非烹飪課,不僅要學習操作的方法與結果的確認,對於食品本身成分的變化、原理及其應用都要有詳細的瞭解與掌握,以培養日後關於品質改進、自動化生產或新產品開發的能力,協助業者改善製程、提昇品質、降低成本及開發市場。●Course Objectives 1. During the experiment, the operation of mechanical equipment, food additives, food component analysis, microorganisms, artificial pollution, health and safety, food waste reduction, food packaging and preservation, etc. must be fully considered and coordinated. 2. Through actual participation in writing reports every week, practice finding relevant information on the topic, thereby developing the ability to conduct comprehensive discussions and complete a critical report. ● Course Contents 1 Food processing experiment is one of the most effective methods to integrate learning to verify theory and practice. 2. Students can learn about materials and then understand a series of knowledge and techniques such as food processing procedures, storage, and quality control. 3. The food-adding experiment is not a cooking class. You must not only learn the operation methods and confirm the results, but also have a detailed understanding and mastery of the changes in the ingredients of the food itself, principles and applications, so as to cultivate future knowledge about quality improvement, automated production or The ability to develop new products helps manufacturers improve processes, improve quality, reduce costs and develop markets.

課程概述 Course Description

食品加工實驗係在驗證理論與實際整合學習最有效的方法之一。學生可從認識材料,進而暸解食品加工程序、貯藏、品管等一系列的知識與技術。 食加實驗並非烹飪課,不僅要學習操作的方法與結果的確認,對於食品本身成分的變化、原理及其應用都要有詳細的瞭解與掌握,以培養日後關於品質改進、自動化生產或新產品開發的能力,協助業者改善製程、提昇品質、降低成本及開發市場。 配合食品加工課程,結合理論與實務,親自體驗各種不同單元食品的 生產製作過程。 透過操作中小型設備(如鍋爐、殺菌釜、乾燥機、快速凍結器..
Food processing experiments are one of the most effective ways to integrate learning between theory and practice. Students can learn about materials and then understand a series of knowledge and techniques such as food processing procedures, storage, and quality control. The food-adding experiment is not a cooking class. You must not only learn the operation methods and confirm the results, but also have a detailed understanding and mastery of the changes in the ingredients of the food itself, principles and applications, so as to cultivate future knowledge about quality improvement, automated production or new products. Develop capabilities to assist industry players in improving processes, improving quality, reducing costs and developing markets. With the food processing course, you can combine theory and practice to experience the production process of various different units of food. By operating small and medium-sized equipment (such as boilers, sterilizers, dryers, quick freezers...

參考書目 Reference Books

2.食品工業 徐氏基金會出版
3.食品添加物 華香園出版社
1. Food processing scientific products, food processing methods, and food processing basics
2. Food Industry Published by Xu Foundation
3. Food additives Hua Xiangyuan Publishing House
4.Food Chemistry

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Semester Experiment Forecast
5 學期實驗預報
Semester experiment report
5 學期實驗結報
normal grades
5 包含上課態度、責任感以及學習狀況
Attendance status
5 不允許遲到、早退、曠課
Food Innovation and Creative Products On-campus Competition/Final Examination
5 兩者或擇一計算

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-2192 Food Processing Lab. (I) / 食品加工實驗(一) (食科系2A,授課教師:徐詮亮/邱致穎/何若瑄,三/6,7,8[食加廠])

Course Information


學分 Credit:1-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7,8[食加廠]
授課教師 Teacher:徐詮亮/邱致穎/何若瑄
修課班級 Class:食科系2B
選課備註 Memo:需同時修習或修過正課 第一堂務必出席分組,未到者不受理加選 上課地點:FPPPP115
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 51 人。

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