course information of 109 - 1 | 1970 Cultural Studies(文化研究)

1970 - 文化研究 Cultural Studies

教育目標 Course Target

如果說文化一詞廣義而言指的是人類的生活方式,那麼文化研究則是研究一切和人類生活有關的活動,從一切能夠加上「文化」的名詞,如:大眾文化、青少年文化、流行文化,到各種議題,如:性別、空間、媒體,都是文化研究涵蓋的範圍。從這樣的觀點出發,文化研究的探討的對象幾乎就是一切與人有關的事物,而翻閱有關文化研究的書籍,也能立即發現文化研究所碰觸到的議題之廣泛,即使各家學者對於文化研究的特徵的見解各有不同,但文化研究是跨學科(transdisciplinary)或是多學科(multi-disciplinary)的特性則是各學者都會強調的部分。根據上述的文化研究的特徵,本課程的主要內容有以下兩個部分: 第一部份:介紹文化研究的重要理論取向。 第二部分:聚焦於文化研究所關注的議題,以及這些議題的研究如何進行。 透過在課程中各個理論的介紹與各種研究成果的展現,期待學生能夠對於文化研究如何進行有一定的認識;再透過本課程的實作,進而將自己習得的各項知識與理論內容與自己所感興趣的議題與理論結合,發展出自己觀看與分析事物獨特的視角。 If the word culture broadly refers to human life style, then cultural studies is the study of all activities related to human life, starting from all nouns that can be added with "culture", such as: popular culture, youth culture, popular culture, etc. Culture, to various issues such as gender, space, and media, are all covered by cultural studies. From this point of view, the object of discussion in cultural studies is almost everything related to people. If you look through books on cultural studies, you can immediately discover the wide range of topics that cultural studies touch. Even if various scholars have different opinions on culture, Opinions on the characteristics of research vary, but the fact that cultural studies is transdisciplinary or multi-disciplinary is something that all scholars will emphasize. According to the characteristics of cultural studies mentioned above, the main content of this course has the following two parts: Part One: Introducing the important theoretical orientations of cultural studies. Part Two: Focus on the issues that cultural research focuses on and how to conduct research on these issues. Through the introduction of various theories and the display of various research results in the course, it is expected that students can have a certain understanding of how cultural research is conducted; and then through the practice of this course, they can combine the various knowledge and theoretical contents they have acquired with their own feelings. Combining topics of interest with theory, you can develop your own unique perspective on viewing and analyzing things.

課程概述 Course Description

This course introduces students to the major theories s that underline and are involved in Cultural Studies. This includes Marxism, feminism, postcolonial theory, critical race theory, structuralism, post structuralism, psychoanalysis, and queer theory. In addition to these theories, students will be introduced to key concepts in the field: culture, hegemony, ideology, articulation, discourse, imperialism, globalization, cosmopolitanism, identity, subjectivity, the unconscious, the state,orientalism,and so on. Students are required to write two critical essays, keep a weekly observations journal, conduct two group research projects and participate weekly discussions and complete readings as assigned. Attendance is mandatory.
This course introduces students to the major theories s that underline and are involved in Cultural Studies. This includes Marxism, feminism, postcolonial theory, critical race theory, structuralism, post structuralism, psychoanalysis, and queer theory. In addition to these theories, students will be introduced to key concepts in the field: culture, hegemony, ideology, articulation, discourse, imperialism, globalization, cosmopolitanism, identity, subjectivity, the unconscious, the state, orientationalism, and so on. Students are required to write two critical essays, keep a weekly observations journal, conduct two group research projects and participate in weekly discussions and complete readings as assigned. Attendance is mandatory.

參考書目 Reference Books

王佳煌 (2016)。《文化研究4.0》。台北:學富。
林良哲 (2015)。《台灣流行歌:日治時代誌》。台中:白象文化。
蔡曉林 (2017)。《微物誌:現代日本的15則物語》。台北:獨立作家。
曹家榮 (2015)。〈行動通訊的持續完成〉。《新聞學研究》第124期,頁1-37。
Bourdieu, Pierre (2002). 《布赫迪厄論電視》,林志明譯。台北:麥田。
Frankfurt Institute for Social Research (1972). Aspects of Sociology. Translated by John Viertel. Boston : Beacon Pres.
Storey, John (2003).《文化理論與通俗文化導論》,李根芳等譯。台北:巨流。
Simmel, Georg (1997). Simmel on Culture. Edited by David Frisby and Mike Featherstone. London: Sage.
Urry, John (2012). 《觀光客的凝視》,葉浩譯。台北:書林。

Wang, J. H. (2016). "Cultural Studies 4.0". Taipei: Xuefu.
Lin, L. (2015). "Taiwanese Popular Songs: A Chronicle of the Japanese Occupation Era". Taichung: White Elephant Culture.
Cai, X. L. (2017). "Miscellaneous Stories: 15 Stories from Modern Japan". Taipei: Independent Writer.
Cao, J. R. (2015). "Continued Completion of Mobile Communications". "Journalism Research" Issue 124, pp. 1-37.
Bourdieu, Pierre (2002). "Bourdieu on Television", translated by Lin Zhiming. Taipei: Wheatfield.
Frankfurt Institute for Social Research (1972). Aspects of Sociology. Translated by John Viertel. Boston : Beacon Pres.
Storey, John (2003). "Introduction to Cultural Theory and Popular Culture", translated by Li Genfang et al. Taipei: Juliu.
Simmel, Georg (1997). Simmel on Culture. Edited by David Frisby and Mike Featherstone. London: Sage.
Urry, John (2012). "The Gaze of the Tourist", translated by Ye Hao. Taipei: Shulin.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
class attendance
30 根據課堂點名給分
Report on stage
25 依據文化研究有關的議題或各週上課的主題,進行資料蒐集,報告當前台灣在該議題上所有的相關研究的現況,並挑選最感興趣的一篇研究進行分享。報告呈現方式不限於使用各項電子產品,口頭報告亦可。報告內容請列印出來,於報告前繳交。上台報告時間20分鐘。
Course Summary
10 記錄當週主要的課程內容,包含學生報告與老師講課內容,並且發表個人心得與見解,於下次上課時,口頭報告10分鐘,報告完繳交紙本紀錄。
cultural chronology
10 針對某文化議題、物品或現象,例如:咖啡店、流行音樂、服飾、電影、同志議題、遊戲、食物、建築、報紙、網路、時尚、環保、日常生活用品…等等,進行資料蒐集,並繪製年表(電腦或手繪皆可),口頭報告10分鐘,報告完繳交年表。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[SS322]
授課教師 Teacher:陳登翔
修課班級 Class:社會系1-4
選課備註 Memo:推廣部隨班附讀請獲得老師同意。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 54 人。

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