course information of 109 - 1 | 1962 Everyday Life and Popular Culture from the(亞際文化研究視野的當代大眾文化)

1962 - 亞際文化研究視野的當代大眾文化 Everyday Life and Popular Culture from the

教育目標 Course Target

2008金融危機以來,世界各地的年輕人表達了一種政治與經濟被困住、找不到方向、但又帶著理想性、希望有所突破的政治慾望。以台灣為例,新自由主義與經濟發展停滯與帶來了貧窮化,以及彈性化工作的不穩定、低薪長工時等問題,因而有了像「崩世代」、「厭世代」等形容台灣社會與青年世代面對的貧窮困境。「三一八運動」之後的兩次選舉,「年輕人」的主體再度被召喚出來,相對於國民黨的舊政治,「年輕人」被再現為新的政治希望與機會。2017年12月23日晚上,因應民進黨勞基法修法,非傳統工會組織而來的青年也上街抗議。「不穩定階級」等類似的概念、修辭越來越流行(體現在出版的主題),嘗試捕捉當前大眾(尤其是青年)的生活狀態與問題 文化研究作為一種關注日常生活的政治與批判,如何提供一個角度,理解與分析這時代的社會矛盾,以及理解你、我(當代普羅青年大眾)的日常生活與關注呢?同時,文化研究在台灣的軌跡,有著藉文化批判介入社會的歷史,以及希望透過「亞際文化研究運動」(inter-asia cultural studies movement project)超越歐洲中心主義與狹隘本土主義視野,進而形成知識連帶,從既有知識參照系統的轉換深入亞洲地帶的社會與文化。當政府希望透過南向的政策、媒體強調斜槓與國際視野的個人工作生涯發展以作為解決目前經濟發展停頓、青年出路有限的問題時,我們如何從亞際文化研究的視野看見亞際各地的青年與大眾生活,思索一種非個人(集體的)的文化想像與連結,作為回應? 本堂課首先介紹文化研究的核心關注:何謂「文化」及「文化」的政治性,並進一步介紹文化研究在台灣的軌跡與亞際文化研究的關注。第二個階段從大學生關注的青年為主題,探討如大學教育、工作勞動、情感、青年主體等問題。第三階段則挑選相關的當代文化現象與議題,例如流行文化生產與消費、流行打扮、音樂與自我發聲、網路文化、民族國家與政治參與等。課堂的設計除了介紹理論概念並要求學生學習之外,同時鼓勵學生進一步觀察與分析日常文化的各個面向,結合理論所學。 Since the 2008 financial crisis, young people around the world have expressed a political desire to be trapped politically and economically and unable to find direction, but with idealism and hope for a breakthrough. Taking Taiwan as an example, neoliberalism and stagnant economic development have brought about impoverishment, as well as the instability of flexible jobs, low wages and long working hours, etc., thus giving rise to descriptions such as "generation-breaking" and "generation-weary". The poverty plight faced by Taiwanese society and young generations. In the two elections after the March 18th Movement, the subject of "young people" was once again summoned. Compared with the old politics of the Kuomintang, "young people" were reappeared as new political hopes and opportunities. On the evening of December 23, 2017, in response to the Democratic Progressive Party’s revision of the Labor Standards Act, young people organized by non-traditional trade unions also took to the streets to protest. "Precarious class" and other similar concepts and rhetoric are becoming more and more popular (reflected in the themes of publications), trying to capture the current living conditions and problems of the public (especially young people) As a kind of politics and criticism that focuses on daily life, how can cultural studies provide a perspective to understand and analyze the social contradictions of this era, as well as understand the daily lives and concerns of you and me (the contemporary young people)? At the same time, cultural studies in Taiwan have a history of intervening in society through cultural criticism, and hope to transcend Eurocentrism and narrow nativist visions through the "inter-asia cultural studies movement project" to form knowledge. Together, it transforms the existing knowledge reference system into the society and culture of Asia. When the government hopes to solve the current problems of stagnant economic development and limited opportunities for young people through the southward policy and the media's emphasis on individual work and career development with an international perspective, how can we see the inter-Asian culture from the perspective of inter-Asian cultural research? Youth and public life, thinking about a non-personal (collective) cultural imagination and connection, in response? This class first introduces the core concerns of cultural studies: what is "culture" and the politics of "culture", and further introduces the trajectory of cultural studies in Taiwan and the concerns of inter-Asian cultural studies. The second stage takes the youth that college students pay attention to as the theme and explores issues such as university education, work and labor, emotions, and youth subjects. The third stage selects relevant contemporary cultural phenomena and issues, such as popular culture production and consumption, popular clothing, music and self-expression, Internet culture, nation-states and political participation, etc. The classroom design not only introduces theoretical concepts and requires students to learn, but also encourages students to further observe and analyze various aspects of daily culture and combine what they have learned theoretically.

參考書目 Reference Books

Highmore, Ben. 2015. Introduction & A whole way of life. In Culture (pp. 1-22, 46-69). London & New York: Routledge.
Williams, Raymond. 1977. Structures of feeling. In Marxism and literature (pp. 128-135). New York: Oxford University Press.
Williams, Raymond。1958。〈文化是通俗的〉。中文馬克思主義文庫。
Highmore, Ben. 2015. Everyday Life and Cultural Theory: An Introduction. London & New York: Routledge. Ch1.
Hall, Stuart. 1997. excerpts from ‘Introduction’. The Work of Representation’. Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. The Open University, 1-7, 15-73.
Wang, C. M. 2017. Affective Rearticulations: Cultural Studies in and from Taiwan. Cultural Studies 31(6), 740-763. doi: 10.1080/09502386.2017.1375539.
Zygmunt Bauman。2006。《工作、消費與新貧》。王志弘譯。台北:巨流。
吳承紘。2017。《厭世代——低薪、貧窮與看不見的未來》。新北市:月熊出版:遠足文化發行。(請自行借書或購書),並請參見New Lens專題。
Compiled by Luo Xiaoming. 2019. "Counterattack: A Reader in Inter-Asian Cultural Studies". Shanghai: Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House.
By Luo Xiaoming. 2015. Ticket to Doom: A Cultural Analysis of Everyday Life. Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House.
Bihengda. 2010. "Why didn't the professor tell me?" : A pillow book for essay writing. Taipei: Xuefu Culture.
Highmore, Ben. 2015. Introduction & A whole way of life. In Culture (pp. 1-22, 46-69). London & New York: Routledge.
Williams, Raymond. 1977. Structures of feeling. In Marxism and literature (pp. 128-135). New York: Oxford University Press.
Williams, Raymond. 1958. "Culture is popular". Chinese Marxism Library. .
Highmore, Ben. 2015. Everyday Life and Cultural Theory: An Introduction. London & New York: Routledge. Ch1.
Stuart. Hall. 2001. "Notes on Deconstructing the "Popular"". Translated by Dai Congrong. "Popular Culture Research", edited by Wu Shiyu, pp. 41-57. Shanghai: Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore.
Tony. Bennett. 2001. "Popular Culture and the "Turn to Gramsci"". "Popular Culture Research", edited by Wu Shiyu, pp. 59-68. Shanghai: Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore.
Hall, Stuart. 1997. excerpts from ‘Introduction’. The Work of Representation’. Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. The Open University, 1-7, 15-73.
Chen Guangxing. 2000. 〈What does cultural studies mean in Taiwan? 〉. "Cultural Studies in Taiwan", edited by Chen Guangxing, pp. 7-25. Taipei City: Juliu.
Chen Xiaoyin. 2006. "The Edge of the Island": A New Practical Discourse on the Taiwanese Left at the Turn of the 1980s and 1990s. Master's thesis, Institute of Social Culture, National Chiao Tung University. Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 3.
"Human Magazine"
Editor-in-Chief of RoboCop (Kavipo). 1991. "Taiwan's New Opposition Movement." Taipei: Tangshan Publishing House. http://intermargins.net/intermargins/IsleMargin/alter_native/robocop.htm.
Chen Guangxing. 2006. "Asia as Method: Overcoming the Knowledge Status of "Leaving Asia and Entering the United States"". De-Empire: Asia as Method, pp. 335-418. Taipei: Pedestrian.
Wang, C. M. 2017. Affective Rearticulations: Cultural Studies in and from Taiwan. Cultural Studies 31(6), 740-763. doi: 10.1080/09502386.2017.1375539.
Xu Baoqiang. 2015. "Lack of Learning and Thought: Cultural Studies in Hong Kong Education", Hong Kong: Oxford University Press.
Chen Chongzhen. 2019. "The Reappearance of Youth Poverty after 2008: What to Reveal?" What are you covering up? 》. Master's thesis, Institute of Social Development, Shih Hsin University. (Please go to the master's and doctoral thesis system to download by yourself)
Zeng Zhongjian. 2010. "No time - short-term structure and long-term planning at work". "Written Before the Next Financial Tsunami", edited by Xu Baoqiang, Luo Yongsheng, and Ma Guoming. Hong Kong: Further Multimedia.
Compiled by Luo Xiaoming. "Special Topic: Youth and Work". "Refeng Academic Online Journal" 8. http://www.cul-studies.com/ArticleCat/index/catid/3.html.
Zygmunt Bauman. 2006. "Work, Consumption and the New Poverty". Translated by Wang Zhihong. Taipei: Juliu.
---. 2018. "Abandoned Society: Overconsumption, useless population, we will all become modern scraps". Translated by Gu Lei and Hu Xin. Taipei: Wheatfield.
Qiu Zimin. 2016. "Deconstructing Happiness: Looking at the Disempowerment of Taiwan's Post-1980s Generation from the "Small Luck" Phenomenon". Master's thesis, Institute of Social and Cultural Studies, Hsinchu Jiaotong University. (Please go to the master's and doctoral thesis system to download by yourself)
Wang, Haowei (2013). "The Late Blooming Generation: Dr. Wang Haowei's Family Clinic". Taipei: Soul Workshop. (Please borrow or purchase books by yourself)
Wu Chenghong. 2017. "Generation Weary - Low Wages, Poverty and the Unseen Future". New Taipei City: Moon Bear Publishing: Hiking Culture Publishing. (Please borrow or purchase books by yourself), and please see the New Lens topic.
Wang Xiaoming. 2016. "What is the "housing problem" in China today". "The "Home Life" of Shanghai Urban Youth since the 1990s" (Special Issue of "Exploration and Controversy"), Wang Xiaoming et al., pp. 170-195. Shanghai

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Oral presentation on research literature
Preliminary analysis or recording of research
Class discussion
Grouped interim and final reports

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學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[SS209]
授課教師 Teacher:鄭亘良
修課班級 Class:社會系2-4
選課備註 Memo:推廣部隨班附讀請獲得老師同意。
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