course information of 109 - 1 | 1518 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance(公司治理)

1518 - 公司治理 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance

教育目標 Course Target

該課程的設計乃著重在透過企業績效的評估來了解公司治理的重要性,授課對象則以三年級或以上已修習過財金基礎課程的學員為主。學期中將以國內上市櫃企業為例,輔以校內的財金資料庫及國內市場的相關法規,引導學生認識國內產業的運作及其與其他國家的差異性,並從中思考改進的方向。課程的主題預計將環繞在可能影響企業績效的因素,包含:股權結構、產業特色、董事會架構及運作、薪酬設計與外在監理制度等,並依需要納入相關實事的分析與討論以驗證理論基礎的有效性。學期中除了個案報告之外,亦鼓勵學員主動參與課程內容的討論;學期分數的評量除了包含期末的測驗之外,主要仍是以學員於學期中對於該課程的投入程度來判斷。The design of this course focuses on understanding the importance of corporate governance through the evaluation of corporate performance. The course is mainly targeted at students in the third grade or above who have taken basic financial courses. During the semester, domestic listed companies will be used as examples, supplemented by the school's financial database and relevant laws and regulations of the domestic market, to guide students to understand the operation of domestic industries and their differences with other countries, and to think about the direction of improvement. The topics of the course are expected to revolve around the factors that may affect corporate performance, including: ownership structure, industry characteristics, board structure and operations, compensation design and external supervision systems, etc., and will include analysis and discussion of relevant facts as needed to verify the theoretical basis. effectiveness. In addition to case reports during the semester, students are also encouraged to actively participate in discussions of course content. In addition to the final test, the evaluation of semester scores is mainly based on the students' level of investment in the course during the semester.

參考書目 Reference Books

There are no designated textbooks; course materials are uploaded to iLearn one week before class.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
course participation
60 報告、作業、隨堂問答及抽點
final exam
40 期末考週的上課時間進行測驗

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相似課程 Related Course

選修-6021 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance / 公司治理 (財金碩1,2,授課教師:陳家偉,四/3,4[M332])
必修-6064 Enterprise Ethics and Corporate Governance / 企業倫理與公司治理專題 (高階經管班2,授課教師:許恩得/張明輝,四/6,7,8[M367])
必修-6067 Family Business and Corporate Governance / 家族與公司治理 (高階經管班1,授課教師:張明輝/郭宗銘,三/10,11,12[M240])
選修-6078 Corporate Governance and Financial Decisions / 公司治理與財務決策 (高階經管班1,2,授課教師:蕭慧玲,一/11,12,13[M243])

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7[M222]
授課教師 Teacher:陳家偉
修課班級 Class:財金系3,4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 48 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 48 人。

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