有機化學實驗的目標在於培養學生實驗操作、現象觀察、化合物的製備、分離純化到鑑定的能力。學生經過學習思考、總結及歸納形成,可以針對於有機化學反應、化合物的性質、結構達到一定程度的認識,並使這些知識能與課本理論相互呼應及驗證結合。教學上透過實驗反覆練習,來增進學生手、眼、心合一,期能培養學生獨立操作實驗能力及團隊合作、溝通的訓練,並且加深對有機化學課程的興趣。授課內涵包括:一、實驗室安全設備使用及操作技術。二、化合物之蒸餾、結晶、層析等純化方法。三、有機化合物官能基之轉換。四、化合物之鑑定方法,依授課時間安排十項主題實做,全學期上課18週。教學目標及學生學習成效包括:1.培育學生具有操作分析有機化學實驗的能力。 2.使學生熟悉各種實驗設備正確使用,了解操作實驗的技巧。 3.認識各化學藥品的物理及化學特性。 4.訓練學生純化物質的技術。 5.學習實驗數據整理及撰寫報告規範。 6.充實實驗室安全及環保衛生觀念。The goal of organic chemistry experiments is to cultivate students' ability to perform experiment operations, phenomenon observation, preparation of compounds, and purify separation. Students can understand the organic chemistry reaction, the properties and structure of compounds through learning, and enable these knowledge to be mutually responsive and verified with the course theory. In teaching, we will improve students' integration of hands, eyes and heart through repeated practice in practice, and in order to cultivate students' independent operational practical skills, team cooperation and communication training, and deepen their interest in organic chemistry courses. The teaching content includes: 1. Use and operation technology of the laboratory safety equipment. 2. Plasticization methods such as distillation, crystallization, and layering of compounds. 3. Transformation of functional groups of organic compounds. 4. The method of determining compounds is arranged according to the teaching time and will be subjected to 18 weeks of class throughout the whole class. Teaching objectives and student learning achievements include: 1. Cultivate students to have the ability to operate and analyze organic chemistry experience. 2. Make students familiar with the correct use of various experimental equipment and understand the skills of operating experiments. 3. Understand the physical and chemical characteristics of each chemical drug. 4. Training students' techniques to purify substances. 5. Learn the specifications of practical experiment data and write reports. 6. Enhance the concept of laboratory safety and environmental protection.
Cooperate with the course to do a practical experience of basic organic chemistry reaction.
一、L.F. Fieser and K. Williamson, Organic Experiment
二、Ralph J.Fessenden & Joan S.Fessenden Technique for Organic Chemistry
1. L.F. Fieser and K. Williamson, Organic Experiment
2. Ralph J.Fessenden & Joan S.Fessenden Technique for Organic Chemistry
3. Handout
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
報告成績報告成績 Report completion |
35 | 實驗前作業(佔15%)、結果報告(佔20%) |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
35 | 出勤狀況(佔10%)、實驗結果(佔20%)、其他事項(佔5%) |
期中考成績期中考成績 Midterm exam results |
15 | |
期末考成績期末考成績 Final exam results |
15 |