course information of 108 - 2 | 6097 Industry Analysis(產業分析)

6097 - 產業分析 Industry Analysis

教育目標 Course Target

當全球化所帶來的動盪程度、不確定性、複雜性與模糊性已經愈加不可測時,主導國家、經濟、產業、企業甚至個人發展的決策者該如何制定出正確的決策?能夠洞見現況及未來的「產業分析」似乎成爲技壓群倫,領先群雄的專業,更成為是個人在職場生存的核心競爭力。 為什麼「產業分析」是人人必備的基本知識與技能才是?在此我引述已故的產業分析大師──陳清文先生說過的一句話:「產業的研究就是對生活的研究」,它和我們的生活息息相關,脫離不了關係。譬如一名大學生,他在大學時期如果就能透過SWOT分析,深入了解自己所學的專業在職場能否發揮所長,就能減少畢業即失業的機率;或者我們想要投資股票市場,應該要了解上市公司的價值有多少?這家公司所處產業的發展性有多大?這樣才有辦法做出理性的選擇,而不至於落得盲目地豪賭;同樣地,任何企業在發展過程中,也要知道現今市場的趨勢為何?是正在提升呢?還是正在沉淪?如此才能做出最有利的決策;再者,就連國家的發展政策,都需要產業分析來做為導引的根據,方能擬定正確的政策,使國家朝正確的方向前進。 本課程的目的在於協助學生學習不同型態的產業分析工具與方法,以培養學生產業分析的基本技能,促使學生具備帶領企業分析所處產業短期(3年)與中長期(3~10)年的未來發展趨勢,並根據分析結果提出產業/企業發展的策略方案! When the level of turmoil, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity brought about by globalization has become increasingly unpredictable, how can decision makers who lead the development of countries, economies, industries, enterprises and even individuals make the right decisions? "Industry analysis" that can provide insights into the current situation and the future seems to have become a profession that surpasses others in skills and leads the pack. It has also become a core competitiveness for individuals to survive in the workplace. Why is "Industry Analysis" a basic knowledge and skill that everyone must have? Here I quote a saying from the late master of industrial analysis, Mr. Chen Qingwen: "The study of industry is the study of life." It is closely related to our lives and cannot be separated from it. For example, if a college student can use SWOT analysis during college to have a deep understanding of whether the major he studied can be used in the workplace, he can reduce the chance of unemployment after graduation; or if we want to invest in the stock market, we should understand How much is a listed company worth? How developing is the industry this company is in? Only in this way can we make rational choices instead of blindly gambling; similarly, during the development process of any enterprise, it is also necessary to know what the current market trends are? Is it improving? Or is it sinking? Only in this way can we make the most beneficial decisions; furthermore, even national development policies require industrial analysis as a guiding basis in order to formulate correct policies and move the country in the right direction. The purpose of this course is to help students learn different types of industrial analysis tools and methods to cultivate students' basic skills in industrial analysis and equip students with the ability to lead companies to analyze their industries in the short term (3 years) and medium and long term (3 to 10 years). future development trends, and propose strategic plans for industry/enterprise development based on the analysis results!

課程概述 Course Description

This course first introduces commonly used industrial analysis methods, and then introduces government policies, systems, measures, and management-related issues such as Taiwan's traditional manufacturing industry, high-tech industries, service industries, and knowledge economy. To help students understand the analytical tools and professional knowledge of the practical aspects of industrial analysis.

參考書目 Reference Books

"Where are you in the future?" :Understand industry trends and lead your future》
Author: Wang Fengkui

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/11,12,13[M242]
授課教師 Teacher:王鳳奎
修課班級 Class:高階經管班1,2
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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