course information of 108 - 2 | 6091 Technical Management(科技管理)

6091 - 科技管理 Technical Management

教育目標 Course Target

本課程適合管理學院學生(包含非技術背景),學習了解創新科技所帶來的力量與影響,並達成以下目標: 1. 使同學對科技管理與創新策略有較為通盤的了解 2. 使同學熟悉科技創新管理時下議題 3. 使同學熟悉內外部創新流程、創新架構設計與創新運用之有效策略做法 4. 建立同學初步具備規劃、執行與評估企業的創新策略至實際企業環境之能力 處在瞬息萬變知識經濟時代下,技術創新策略已經成為企業持續性競爭優勢與成長的原動力,然而,科技與技術創新是企業的武器,創新並不代表著企業的成功與成長,如何成功且不斷地推動技術與產品創新至市場中卻成為企業經理人的一大挑戰。因此本課程強調如何讓企業經理人有效率管理創新的力量,並從創新管理當代觀點與企業管理實務的角度,介紹技術創新策略相關理論與實際個案討論,適合企管系同學了解創新科技對企業所產生的影響,掌握新興科技所帶來的力量,藉由熟悉創新流程、商業模式設計與創新運用之有效策略做法,建立同學具備規劃、執行與評估企業的創新策略至實際企業環境之能力,成為一個具備因應知識經濟時代潮流的優秀管理者。This course is suitable for management students (including non-technical background) to learn about the power and impact of innovative technology and achieve the following goals: 1. Provide students with a comprehensive understanding of technology management and innovation strategies 2. To familiarize students with current issues in technological innovation management 3. Make students familiar with internal and external innovation processes, innovation architecture design and effective strategies and practices for innovation application 4. Establish students' initial ability to plan, implement and evaluate corporate innovation strategies to the actual corporate environment In the era of rapidly changing knowledge economy, technological innovation strategies have become the driving force for sustainable competitive advantages and growth of enterprises. However, technology and technological innovation are the weapons of enterprises. Innovation does not represent the success and growth of enterprises. How to successfully and continuously Promoting technology and product innovation to the market has become a major challenge for business managers. Therefore, this course emphasizes how to enable business managers to effectively manage the power of innovation, and introduces relevant theories and practical case discussions on technological innovation strategies from the perspective of contemporary innovation management and business management practices. It is suitable for students in the Department of Business Administration to understand the impact of innovative technology on enterprises. By mastering the power brought by emerging technologies, students are familiar with the innovation process, business model design and effective strategies and practices of innovation application, and develop the ability of students to plan, execute and evaluate the enterprise's innovation strategy to the actual enterprise environment, and become An excellent manager with the ability to adapt to the trend of the knowledge economy era.

參考書目 Reference Books

Schilling, Melissa A. (2008). Strategic Management of Technological Innovation (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill international Edition.中文版:李亭林 編譯 科技創新管理 華泰出版社
White, Margaret A. and Bruton, Garry D. (2011). The Management of Technology and Innovation: A Strategic Approach (2nd. ed.). Thomson South-Western
Schilling, Melissa A. (2008). Strategic Management of Technological Innovation (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill international Edition. Chinese version: Compiled by Li Tinglin Technological Innovation Management Huatai Publishing House
White, Margaret A. and Bruton, Garry D. (2011). The Management of Technology and Innovation: A Strategic Approach (2nd. ed.). Thomson South-Western

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class participation and interaction
Midterm report/exam
Final report/exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/2,3,4[M242]
授課教師 Teacher:黃開義/曾俊堯/金必煌
修課班級 Class:高階經管班1,2
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 16 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 16 人。

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