course information of 108 - 2 | 3444 Art Industrial Management(當藝術遇見科技管理)

3444 - 當藝術遇見科技管理 Art Industrial Management

教育目標 Course Target

商業理論通常是以管理效率將市場歸類,目的是讓產品滿足消費者需求,進而擴大市場。 藝術產品有其稀有與特殊性,需要更精準的商業理論,拉近藝術與觀賞人的距離,有效推廣和擴大藝術市場。 市場越大就越容易培養更多的藝術家和從事藝術工作者。 課程將運用精準的科技產業管理理論。搭配藝術產品、活動和科技產業案例,用理論與實務說明如何有效管理藝術產業。又當藝術產業遇見科技產業時除了管理上的差異,在產品輸出時未來會造成什麼衝擊或機會。 教學方法,將學生用公司組織分組。管理組、創意組、行銷組。在期中和期末做分組報告。並在期末一起完成「藝術創作與行銷」實作。作為學習成績的評分基礎。 Business theory usually classifies markets based on management efficiency, with the goal of making products meet consumer needs and thereby expanding the market. Art products have their rarity and particularity, and require more precise business theories to bring art closer to viewers and effectively promote and expand the art market. The bigger the market, the easier it is to cultivate more artists and art workers. The course will apply precise technology industry management theory. Combined with cases of art products, activities and technology industries, it uses theory and practice to explain how to effectively manage the art industry. And when the art industry meets the technology industry, in addition to differences in management, what impact or opportunities will there be in the future when product output occurs. Teaching method, grouping students using company organizations. Management group, creative group, marketing group. Make group reports at mid-term and end-of-term. And at the end of the period, we will complete the implementation of "artistic creation and marketing" together. as the basis for grading academic performance.

參考書目 Reference Books

◎ 藝術.文化經濟學,詹姆斯.海布倫/ 查爾斯M.蓋瑞著 典藏藝術家庭股份有限公司
◎ 文化創意產業讀本:創意管理與文化經濟,Chris Bilton著 遠流出版社出版

◎"Introduction to Art Economics", written by Gu Zhaogui, published by Culture and Art Press in September 2004
◎"When Art Meets Economy", published by Collection Publishing House.
◎Art. Cultural Economics, James. Hebron/by Charles M. Gary Collectible Arts Home, Inc.
◎ Cultural and Creative Industry Reader: Creative Management and Cultural Economy, written by Chris Bilton and published by Yuanliu Publishing House

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
平時成績 (作業、出席等)平時成績 (作業、出席等)
Daily results (homework, attendance, etc.)
midterm exam
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[C205]
授課教師 Teacher:林文飛
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 30 人。

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